The Neo-Renaissance


By Richard Kieninger


The Renaissance

The emergence of Western Civilization from the Dark Age of Medieval Europe began in Italy in the 14th Century with the rekindling of classical ways of thinking about mankind. This period we call the Renaissance (literally meaning rebirth). Between the 14th and 16th Centuries, all of Europe became alive with the ferment of intellectual and scientific investigation, aided greatly by the invention of printing with movable type. The Renaissance began with a scholarly interest in classical writings of ancient Greece and Rome. Pre-Christian views of the world, encompassing law, democracy and ethics, were of particular interest to the 14th Century Italians because they found themselves inhabiting small, independent city-states; and this encouraged self-rule as well as capitalism as they competed with each other. As a result of the resurgence of interest in idealistic principles of the great civilizations that flourished fifteen centuries earlier, Europeans aspired to emulate the greatness of the heroic intellects of the Classical Period, and this incidentally gave rise to a sense of self-responsibility in one’s relationship to God and Divine Laws. Moreover, the Italian nobles had been trying to shake free from political domination by the Pope and bishops, and they used examples from antiquity to strive for republican forms of government while the merchants also sought to gain more political control to support their interests. Out of this turmoil was born the Humanists, who had a more Populist view of Christian thought. They opposed dominance by ecclesiastics and resisted the total submission of every aspect of life to Church rule. The Renaissance gave rise to the Reformation and many bitter wars to gain religious freedom. Indeed, our religious and political freedoms have been won and maintained for us by Humanists. Religionists rarely give up their power over others voluntarily. Historically, they have been compelled to do so by force of arms and by firmly imposed Populist law.


The Mystic Brotherhoods were the instigators of the Renaissance in Europe, and They introduced manuscripts relating to the Humanities and Natural Sciences which further spurred Europe’s emergence from the Dark Age. The Dark Age resulted from the Christian Church’s systematic destruction of pre-Christian knowledge. Non-theological books were regarded as pagan and suspect of being Satanic; so books other than the Bible were destroyed. The great library at Alexandria, which stored most of the knowledge and history of the Ancients, was destroyed along with other “pagan” buildings in AD 391 by the Christian Emperor of Rome, Theodosius I, at the behest of the Church; thus marking an end to Alexandria as a seat of learning. (Julius Caesar is mistakenly accused of having destroyed that library four centuries earlier when he was pursuing Pompeii in Egypt, but Caesar actually declared a truce during a battle in order for his soldiers to help extinguish a fire in the revered library that was unrelated to the battle elsewhere.) The thousand-year suppression by the Catholic priesthood of the pursuit of truth was beginning to be broken by the Brotherhoods’ having made old documents available to European scholars. Brilliant Arabian intellectuals had been similarly exposed to classic science and history, and they were creating an enviable civilization through the application of that knowledge. Italians aspired to enjoy more exalted ways of life and to again attain the luxury and beauty of the old Roman culture. The arts flourished in that new environment.


An intense pursuit of the Natural Sciences was spurred by several Brothers, such as Galileo, who had incarnated to seed the rediscovery of scientific facts, and They were severely suppressed by the Church because the scientific method was continually demonstrating errors in the Bible and upsetting traditional dogma. The scientific experimenters and thinkers were forced into underground communication between one another. Their exchanges of information and theories were carried by secret couriers all over Europe, and the Rosicrucians acted as the communications network. The Church held firmly to a geocentric universe, a flat world, and Aristotelian views even in the face of evidence to the contrary. The priests fought emergence of science, Protestant Christian worship, and new forms of government by burning and imprisoning scientists and “apostates” and declaring the reading of their works cause for excommunication and damnation to an eternity of hellfire. In spite of the Inquisition, the bright spirit of the Renaissance persisted against the cruel suppression by the priesthood; and a new phase of Western Civilization was born in which the freedom to pursue truth and self-determination has been gradually established.

The Humanists

A high point in this continual struggle against the suppression of personal freedom by rulers of church and state was the founding of the United States of America. The impetus for creating this nation was conceived, funded and directed by Freemasonry, which is the Mundane School of the Luciferian Brotherhood. More than fifty of the fifty-six men who signed the Declaration of Independence were Masons. All the governors of the thirteen states were Masons when George Washington, also a Mason, became President of the United States. The Bill of Rights was adopted from the Masonic Order. Freedom of speech and press; the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness; and freedom of religion have long been Masonic principles. Interestingly, none of these ideas are mentioned in the Bible or Christian theology. The right to pursue truth in all fields of thought, wherever it may lead, was guaranteed and encouraged by the Humanists who dreamed of and fought for the establishment of the U.S.A. Pluralism of choice was recognized by the Founding Fathers of the nation as a balancing force toward mankind’s eventual discovery of ultimate truth.


The Freemasons were established by the Luciferian Brotherhood at the time of the building of the Temple of Solomon about 950 BC The Jewish Freemasons were influential in maintaining the identity of the Jewish people during their sojourn in Babylon, but after the Captivity, Levite priests were determined to quash the popularity and power of the Jewish Freemasons. When the Levite, Ezra, translated the writings of Moses from Egyptian to a vernacular the Hebrews could use, the priest introduced a fiction which equated the Masonic patron, Lucifer, with Satan and made Him out to be a Fallen Angel and the prince of Evil. It seems that old gods and heroes have always been recast as bad guys as means to help a new regime gain power along with its own gods. As a result, the Freemasons were driven underground, but they managed to pass along to succeeding generations great mysteries and truths of existence. The struggle of the Brotherhoods never ends against priests who seek power over the souls and minds of the people.


The New Age?

In our day we are witnessing a Neo-Renaissance which is also being forwarded by the Brotherhoods of scientist-philosophers. The New Age movement has become a useful adjunct to the reawakening of people toward greater concern for the environment, having more balanced relationships between men and women, recognizing a need for more decentralization in government and business, ending war, and seeking deep spiritual experiences. Unfortunately, the New Age movement experienced a radicalization due to a combination of influences such as the tragic war in Vietnam, leftist infiltration, and the popular drug culture. This produced a deep split between the generations that resulted in youths rejecting everything in the Establishment—good as well as the bad. Many people rejected the myths of Judaism and Christianity and instead adopted myths of Buddhism and Hinduism. Millions of young people surrendered their self-determination to gurus or priests who offer simplistic answers to the complexities of the modern world and also promise bliss now and for all eternity. And there are the political and religious opportunists who are striving to ensnare the unwary and unlearned into supporting new forms of slavery to drugs or to spirits in control of mediums. Demagogues at both ends of the political spectrum milk their followers of money by presenting fearful visions of the Communist menace or of the Devil plotting to ensnare them.


The most sinister appropriation of people and ideals is seen in an effective appeal being made to New Age people around the world. Agents of the Tibetan mentalists of Shamballah and Agarthi are getting more and more successful at organizing New Age sentiments into a planetary coalition to establish a political base for a world-wide spiritual dictator to take over. This is being done under the guise of seeking peace via world unity. Unquestionably, the need for peace and global cooperation is urgent, but the Hierarchy, as the Shamballists call themselves, has been the archenemy of Christ and the Brotherhoods since before the fall of Atlantis. Through telepathic hypnosis, these Hierarchies have been a powerful, evil influence behind religious despots, occultists, and the rulers who became murderers of millions. Conscientious people are being seduced into preparing to surrender their God-given self-determination to an allegedly “divine political leader whose appearance on Earth is supposed to be revealed as soon as an alternative New-Age political structure has been firmed up. Christ eschewed earthly rulership. He spoke of love and truth to make us free. The Shamballist Hierarchy’s man will speak of love and of cleansing the human race as he orders the death of millions of persons who resist obedience to his bid to totally enslave mankind. “Share or die!” will be his slogan, and the planners intend to enforce it upon individuals and nations with the aim of reducing everyone to poverty and powerlessness as the new ruler gathers it all to himself. This plan is already in motion; so be watchful!


The Neo-Renaissance

On the whole, New Agers seem as afraid, perplexed, and angry as anyone else. Is this, then, the Neo-Renaissance of the Brotherhoods? Certainly not! The Brotherhoods are trying to coalesce loving, intelligent people all over the world who are emotionally mature, clear-sighted, and psychologically balanced. Such people seem to understand that by making themselves and their children better persons, they naturally uplift the world.


Many of the people in the New Age Movement feel that they are “pursuing a spiritual path.” However sincere the pursuer may be, that path and its methods usually turn out to be ages-old frauds. Asanas and meditations do not uplift one’s character or morality. The ethical practice of everyday life is the real proving ground of spiritual seeking. The New Men and the New Women of the Neo-Renaissance must be practical, virtuous, courageous, and helpful as well as inspired by ideals of a more uplifting way of life. The mood of the New Age emphasizes merely feeling good and experiencing bliss and awe. The Neo-Renaissance is not counter-cultural or radical or revolutionary; rather, it is nurturing, practically idealistic, working toward positive changes in a balanced way, and concerned for the rights and uplift of others.


The Brotherhoods have carefully defined its limited acceptance of New Age concepts as follows: “New Age thought concerns living in harmony with the natural environment, finding harmless, more loving relationships with one’s fellowmen, working toward inner spiritual completeness, and being responsible for one’s own life rather than yielding that responsibility to ‘experts’ or ‘gurus’.” The men and women who are part of the Neo-Renaissance are developers of their own Egoic growth as well as creators and doers. The Brotherhoods provide philosophical guidance and leadership to those who want to be part of the next great step in mankind’s development toward the Nation of God. In this, there is a parallel between the Brotherhoods’ influence in the European Renaissance of four hundred years ago and the New-Renaissance today. The forward-thinking ideas of today are not new, but are thousands of years old.


The Great Re-Awakening

Such thoughts are reflected in the book Utopia, published in 1516 by Thomas More, a Catholic who became an ardent Humanist. His book pictured an ideal nation based on reason. He talked about owning property in common, maintenance of order and peace through love, and everyone obliged to work but only for six hours a day so that everyone would have leisure. He would do away with distinctions between master and servant, and everyone was to be free. A public system of education, religious toleration, and common public worship were his ideals. Many of these themes have currency today as they did in Plato’s time: leisure, cooperation, communalism, self‑responsibility, capital owned in common, no social distinctions between management and labor, and separation of church and state. These ideas have been adopted by many communes and alternative communities, but not all are ones recommended by the Brotherhoods; so the need for discernment is ever present.


The churches call for the true believer’s submission of his will to God, but many people see through this appeal as actually a demand for obedience to the theological interpretations of priests that benefits the priests and their churches. In Moses’ day, as in the present, the rejection by some people of the established churches leads them to a sense of isolation. With one’s loss of former attachment to customs, tradition, and ceremonies, the individual loses his sense of identity; and this can give rise to strong interest in mystical experiences. Moreover, one’s lack of attachment to anything can lead to a sort of senseless activism to undermine and destroy everything, often including oneself. Irresponsible sexual exploitations and slow suicide through drugs and alcohol result from the destructive rage accompanying this alienation and despair. Everyone needs attachment to others, and the close interpersonal connections available to participants of intentional communities serves many people in this respect. Having positive personal relationships and a worthy goal are the stuff of sanity. Working to improve oneself and the world brings self-esteem and happiness.

The old power structures and our cultural institutions are crumbling. Economic, political and business giants are near to collapse. But there is already a new trend in the thinking and awareness of some people that will coalesce into a sane replacement for these bloated structures when the Old Order comes crashing down. An overthrow of the Old Order is not necessary mainly because karma and the exploiters’ negative thought creations will bring them to ruin. After the cataclysmic events at the turn of the century, those who are part of the Neo-Renaissance will be able to guide and nurture the Earth and its creatures to balanced ways of living.



