The Challenge of Population
Growth By Richard Kieninger The problems of runaway
population growth in the rest of the world are not remote from the
inhabitants of the United States of America. The claims by increasing hordes
upon the limited supplies of the planet’s resources will surely limit our
country’s present rate of consumption of them. The United States alone
consumes almost half of all the raw materials available every year, and the
United States imports vast tonnages of food from other countries—particularly
the high-priced, protein-rich items of which the malnourished inhabitants of
those exporting nations have dire need. When famine inevitably comes upon the
world’s less privileged countries, and their pressing competition for food
and fuels and raw materials becomes more urgent, continued export of these
vital commodities to the United States may well be legislated against by
foreign governments. Economic competition for the world’s resources is
already producing a lag between demand and what can be supplied, and higher
prices result. The population increase in
the United States itself demands more and more technically competent people
to supply the services and commodities necessary to sustain our present
standard of living, but we are not training the necessary technicians fast
enough. Medical care is already falling into dangerously short supply, and
we cannot even produce doctors fast enough to replace those who are dying and
retiring. Competent technical tradesmen are not replacing their numbers as
they are retiring—let alone developing even greater numbers to match
population growth. We need more housing, more roads, better transportation
facilities, better anti-pollution measures, better teachers; but young people
are turning away from such “unglamorous” occupations. The fact is that the
precise knowledge required of the technically competent persons who keep the
machinery of civilization running is difficult to acquire and entails long
study, meticulous attention to details and hard-earned knowledge through experience—in
essence, training and education. However, increasing numbers of young men and
women are having difficulty just learning to read, and too large a proportion
of pupils are merely attending school without acquiring an education or even
completing high school. Some young people who
manage to progress into college work are dropping out, and indeed some go as
far as to refuse to contribute to the sustenance of a system they regard as
too corrupt and decadent to be allowed to continue. They are, of course,
helping to doom the burgeoning population to an inability to care for its
vitally basic needs. The lack of a sense of responsibility toward others
which is exhibited by only doing one’s own thing is a self-defeating course
to follow. It takes training and experience to effectually help others: to
teach the ignorant, to heal the sick, to create employment, to develop
alternate materials for the world’s resources as they become unavailable to
us, to devise food sources to feed hungry and malnourished children, to
eliminate slums. However, if a significant number of young people do not
accept their responsibility toward preserving society, then this nation is
literally doomed to increasing poverty, despair and famine. We are in a race
against time, and technical excellence is the key to staving off disaster.
The dropouts, the poor and the bemused will be the first to succumb. As food
(and other essential commodities like warmth and shelter) become scarce, only
the well-to-do will be able to pay the skyrocketing prices. The arguments for
revolutionary overthrow of the existing order will gain increased acceptance
as personal affluence spells the difference between one’s survival or one’s
death by famine. The man who is well-fed will be ascribed the image of an
enemy of the masses, and become a target for the hatred of the man whose
belly never stops aching from abject hunger. The most able persons who are
best fitted to survive will be mowed down by the hateful inept ones, just as
the Congolese army massacred tens of thousands of the Colonialist-trained
Black civil servants who were the only ones who could hope to run the newly
independent nation. The South American communists promise the uneducated, starving
peasants that elimination of all the persons who maintain the machinery of
capitalism will allow the peasants to partake of the wealth which landlords,
politicians and the technical elite gather to themselves. Once this
revolution is accomplished, of course, there will be only incompetents left
who cannot keep the economic and distributive machinery running. The
slaughter of millions of Chinese landlords, industrialists and intellectuals
by their neighbors is dear enough evidence that men will do such things to
their fellows out of hateful envy. If out of selfishness, sloth or
irresponsibility the younger generation does not rise to the challenge of the
galloping population explosion by providing the gargantuan logistical
requirements of technical and educational competence, then they will have
allowed famine and deprivation to bring upon themselves and others the added
tyrannies of revolution and chaos. |