Food Quality, Diet and Human Development



Preservation of health is a duty. Few people seem to be conscious
of such a thing as physical morality.




By Richard Kieninger


One of the more readily attainable requirements for initiation into the Brotherhoods is the development of superlative health and stamina. Just as acquisition of the Great Virtues is not possible unless preceded by the virtue of Sincerity, health is a foundational step in the development of the other requirements. This is so because there is a physical aspect underlying the attainment of each of the requirements for Initiation. The personal disciplines that one must develop to move away from the typical American diet and towards one that is essential for proper physical functioning are stepping stones in furthering ones work towards Initiation.

An Overview of the Effects of Diet on Human Development

It is a fact of record that studies of teeth preserved in the remains of "primitive" people, recently and remotely extinct, have (in general) excellent teeth and skeletons. Learning how they maintained this aspect of their health is beyond our remembrance. Even though learning about and improving human health and longevity are usually conducted by clinical studies of specific afflictions of Alaska, the Indians of northern Canada, Western United States and Florida, the Melanesians and Polynesians on eight archipelagos of the Southern Pacific, tribes in eastern and central Africa, the Aborigines of Australia, Malay tribes on islands north of Australia, the Maori of New Zealand and the ancient civilizations and their descendants in Peru both along the coast and in the Sierras, and in the Amazon Basin.

Chemical analysis of foods of these isolated peoples versus the displacing foods of modem civilization revealed the elements that give a high immunity to the serious afflictions plaguing mankind. But these immunities lasted only as long as they remained isolated from modern civilization and continued to live in accordance with nutritional dictates directed by the accumulated wisdom of their respective groups. In every instance examined where individuals of the same racial stocks lost this isolation and had adopted the foods and eating habits of modern civilization, they inevitably displayed an early loss of the high immunity characteristic of their isolated group. It was apparent that a chain of health disruptions started immediately and continued into the first generation after the adoption of the modernized diet, rapidly increasing in severity to parallel the degenerative health processes characteristic of the North American and European societies. A high percentage had not only diet-related physical injury, but also personality disturbances, the most common of which is a lower-than-normal mental efficiency and acuteness, observed as so-called mental backwardness, and includes school-age children who are unable to keep up with their classmates. Their IQs are generally lower than normal and they readily develop inferiority complexes growing out of their handicap. From this group, a certain percentage develop personality disturbances which they act out in socially unacceptable behaviors.

Nutritional surveys in the United States and Canada have indicated that malnutrition is just as prevalent on this continent as in the so-called "backward countries." Since individuals in all walks of life are affected, the problem would seem to be primarily one of neglect in the production of truly nourishing foods, together with ignorance regarding the selection, preparation and use of those available in the marketplace. In addition, since most of us have been deprived of proper nutrients for many generations, our need for nutrients is greater than ever before. Therefore, most individuals need larger amounts of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, fatty acids and amino acids than can be obtained from even the best foods, and we will never be well until these are supplied as supplements.

The results of this research have shown that diet has a greater impact on the development of human beings than genetic influences. While much emphasis has been placed on the effect of the social and emotional environment on one's character development, brain functioning is as disturbed by dietary input as it is by incidents such as personal loss and disappointments. Brain functioning is as biologic as digestion. The data indicate that associated with abnormal development of the bones of the head, disturbances also occur in the development of the brain. Such structural defects usually are not hereditary factors even though they appear in other members of the family or parents. They are products of the environment rather than from genes transmitted from one's forebears.

Significant factors affecting human development are biologic and directly related to both the nutrition of the parents and to the nutritional environment of the individuals in the formative and growth period. Contributing to food deficiencies is the nutrient depletion of the soil, and this is seen to produce degeneration of the human population on a mass scale. People have been at the process of building cultures and civilizations through many millennia, and our culture has not only its own experience to draw from but also that of parallel races living today as well as those who lived in the past

The Scope of the Dietary Playing Field

A simple definition of ecology is the relationship of man, beast, fish, fowl, vegetation and all other forms of life to each other, to the living soil, and to the total environment. Recently the relatively simple life of primitive man and beast has gradually been changed to a complex, artificial and chemicalized civilization posing new and difficult problems of adaptation. The industrial revolution started a migration to the cities, which, in turn, created a demand for foods that could be transported long distances and stored without spoilage. Food-formerly fresh from fertile soil or the sea-has been replaced, for the most part, by refined, processed and preserved produce of inferior nutritional qualities.

In the past few hundred years, the natural fertility of our soil has rapidly declined. At first, when crop failures appeared, settlers simply abandoned their farms and moved west to virgin areas. Later, the application of manure, composed of animal or crop residues, and the rotation of crops were effective in maintaining fertility. More recently, the increasing availability of artificial fertilizers of high nitrogen content has enabled the grower to harvest one crop after another without allowing the land to lie fallow-a custom which encouraged the multiplication of soil organisms which, in turn, would release soil nutrients as needed by plants. Often against his better judgment, the modern farmer has been forced to use monoculture, artificial fertilization, pesticides, herbicides and mechanization in order to keep ahead of ruinous taxation, inflation and the ever-increasing costs of production. The result has been production for "quantity" rather than "quality," and the gradual destruction of our precious topsoil and mineral reserves, in or beneath the soil.

Mineral depletion of the soil resulting primarily from thousands of years of natural rain-leaching processes and secondarily from a lack of a consistent soil re-mineralization program has resulted in markets being flooded with attractive, but relatively tasteless, vegetables and fruits. The protein content of wheat and other grains has steadily declined, this being a reliable index of soil fertility. Animal foods such as fowl and meat reflect similar changes. Fowl are usually raised in cramped quarters and their food limited to that dictated by their owners resulting in cirrhotic livers and inferior egg quality. Animals are frequently treated with antibiotics, anti-thyroid drugs and hormones which produce castration, myxedema and waterlogged tissues, practices designed to stimulate more weight gain on less feed. The advantages to the producer are obvious; to the consumer, they are indeed unconscionable.




The doctor of the future will give no medicine,

but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet,

and in the cause and prevention of disease.

Thomas Edison




Moreover, in this day and age, human beings are increasingly exposed to thousands of chemicals in the air, food and water including dosing themselves-or of being dosed-with a multitude of drugs and cosmetics. Chemical contacts include food additives, pesticides, herbicides, nitrates, and the effluents from modern industry, many of which are coal tar products or their derivatives and other synthetic compounds completely foreign to the experience of man's biochemical makeup. Many of these compounds are completely un-processable by the human body and are stored at various body sites, where their toxic effects are felt on a daily basis.

Long-lasting, chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides, such as DDT, have penetrated our food chain. In some areas, herbicides such as 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T-contaminated by the highly toxic and teratogenic 3,4,6,7-tetrachloro-p- dibenzodioxin-have entered our food and water supplies. This is also true of other chlorinated diphenyls which are products of modern industry. These compounds may pose more of a threat than DDT as 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T have been shown to produce birth deformities in animals.

Residues of DDT and related chemicals are now found in most living creatures from the Arctic to the Antarctic, including phytoplankton, which not only furnish the basic food for fish, but produce much of the oxygen essential for our survival. Through biological magnification, the amounts tend to accumulate and increase in vertebrates high in the food chain. Many animals are threatened with extinction, because DDT interferes with the production of hard egg shells. Abnormal softness seems to follow pathologically rapid destruction of sex hormones by liver enzymes whose actions are speeded up by DDT. (As a result, nesting mothers crush their eggs before they hatch.) Similar mechanisms are operative in mammals, with some equally bizarre and irreversible changes related to propagation. Perhaps our current alarm about the "population explosion" is premature.

It is now common knowledge that we are faced with the inevitable consequences of our profligate use and abuse of natural laws and resources. The laws of God and nature are immutable and they ire only broken with a corresponding payment. As summarized by the nineteenth century historian, H.T. Buckle,

It is proven by history, and especially by statistics, that human actions are governed by laws as fixed and regular as those which rule in the physical world. Climate, soil, food, and the aspects of Nature are the principal causes of intellectual progress.

Practical Steps to Superlative Health and Stamina
In our increasingly urbanized and mechanized society, we have almost completely lost track of the fundamentals of good nutrition. Yet, even though we cannot and must not turn back the clock in all areas, we can return to the dietary ways of our forefathers, wherein they always had access to fresh food from the fertile sea and the soil. Taking action on a local level is a good way to overcome and compensate for the mischief and ignorance of the past. Here are a few examples:

1)    Reduce the volume of industrial effluents, including fluorides, now contaminating our air, water and food as rapidly as possible.

2)    Ban the use of untested food additives. Reduce the number to only those tested, considered harmless, and approved for use to an absolute minimum.

3)    Rapidly phase out the use of long-acting pesticides and herbicides, unless proven harmless. Ban the sale of these pesticides for household use. Seek control of insect pests and weeds through other means, including soil improvement, companion planting, introduction of beneficial insects, etc. Well-nourished plants are much more resistant to insects and fungi than deficient ones.

4)    Sound a public warning that all petrochemicals, whether in food, water, air, pesticides, cosmetics, detergents, drugs or other environmental contacts, are potentially dangerous to many, and probably to all, individuals. The least contact is the best.

5)    Provide wide-scale access to the fundamentals of good nutrition. If we are to survive, this must be taught in every school grade from kindergarten through college. Primitive wisdom tells us that the production of healthy, normal babies depends on optimum parental nutrition before conception, as well as during pregnancy. Breast-feeding is most important and should be followed by a diet high in raw and unprocessed foods. Most birth deformities are unnecessary. Good bones, good muscles, attractive skin, normal endocrines, a healthy liver, good reproductive capacity, good intelligence and good looks depend on good food. Everyone must know food values-and nourishing food is not necessarily expensive.

6)    Compost wastes at the neighborhood level for use as fertilizers: return organic materials, minerals and trace elements to help rebuild our plundered soil; and reduce the use of synthetic fertilizers high in nitrogen content which are contaminating our water and food supplies. Demonstrate to farmers that this approach is economically feasible.

7)    Raise foods for quality rather than quantity. High-protein, high-vitamin and high-mineral foods have much higher survival value than those with more calories but less of the essential nutrients. Calories alone are not enough.

8)    In line with the concept of "biochemical individuality," which postulates the inheritance of acquired partial enzyme blocks, most people need vitamin and mineral supplements for optimal health, and even for normal metabolism. These are to be taken along with a basic diet, as deemed necessary by the experience and knowledge of the individual practitioner.

9)    Aside from a study of nutritional values, there are a few simple steps available to everyone. When these are publicized and universally followed, the immediate and long-term benefits are incalculable; and the results would certainly be obvious in six months. They are as follows:

a)     Reduce the consumption of sugar in all forms to an absolute minimum.

b)    Avoid white or ordinary whole wheat bread. Eat only whole-grain breads made from freshly ground flour, free of chemical preservatives. (The production of such bread would require a mill and adequate bakeries in every community.) Use fresh brown rice in place of white, polished rice. These simple changes in food production and habits would result in a much higher intake of protein, Vitamin B complex, minerals and Vitamin E. The latter has been recognized as essential for man. It is appalling to think of the millions of tons of these vital nutrients that have been extracted from our foods and fed to animals over the past century.

c)     When available, use only fresh fruits, vegetables, dark green leaves of lettuce and other greens such as watercress that have been raised in fertile soil without the use of insecticides. Ordinary fruits should be peeled because of possible pesticide residues and vegetables should be thoroughly washed for the same reason. Home gardens need to be the rule rather than the exception. Frozen or canned vegetables and fruits are nourishing but less desirable. Steam or lightly cook all vegetables that are not eaten raw and save any cooking water for tomato juice cocktails or soup.

d)    Sprouted beans, alfalfa and other seeds contain desirable nutrients and are free of contamination. They can be sprouted in every kitchen. The consumption of sixty percent, or more, of food in the uncooked state is desirable.

e)     Avoid foods cooked in fats, such as potato chips, French fried potatoes, chicken, etc. Scientific evidence shows that partially rancid fats, rather than animal fat per se, may be one of the real villains responsible for atherosclerosis. Sources of stale fats include products such as bread, crackers, pastries and commercial cereals made from stored processed flour.

f)      Two servings daily of foods with an alkaline residue such as potatoes, unsprayed beet greens, turnip tops, spinach, dandelion greens, dehydrated grasses, or sorghum cane juices are of great importance in maintaining the body's alkali reserves. Further studies suggest that good diets providing a moderate excess of alkali to neutralize acid foods such as meat, bread, eggs and other nutritious staples are not only beneficial to health, but a major factor in the prevention of dental caries.

g)     Elimination of the "empty calories" in a. and b. (above) alone normally results in increased resistance to infection, a marked reduction in the bizarre and disabling symptoms of reactive hypoglycemia, fewer attacks of so-called viruses, a renewed supply of energy, more zest for life and a gradual reduction in the incidence of degenerative diseases, which unfortunately has become one of the hallmarks of our civilization.

h)     Recognition of the foregoing physical health and diet condition of the majority of Americans is important because these conditions and recommendations were researched and presented almost 60 years ago.


The preceding research results was excerpted and edited from a book entitled Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, written by Dr. Weston Price, D.D.S., last published in 1938. It is clear to see that the myriad of government and private agencies charged with curing diseases and promoting physical and mental health have not only produced no discernable increase in our well-being, but have been operating during the period when American health has plummeted towards that of the 'undeveloped" countries. We can see that the plan of institutionalizing health care has failed to improve the health of Western Civilization. Outstanding wellness (and not mere survival) must more and more become our individual goal as we provide our bodies with proper nutrients, exercise, and a positive mental attitude.


10) To the foregoing, these items can be added:

a)     Eliminate all forms of tobacco.

b)    Eliminate food-like substances containing caffeine, such as chocolate, soft-drinks, coffee, tea and those containing chemical additives including preservatives, food colorings, stabilizers, anything with a "propyl", hydrolyzed, modified, etc. in the name, especially from the diet of children.

c)     Eliminate 'hard" alcohol and drink only high-quality beer and wine in moderation.




"Everything needed for the body can be produced within itself provided that ample, wholesome food is ingested."

The Ultimate Frontier




The presence of food additives can be found by eating a single food type at one sitting and noticing the effects in your body. Typical allergic reactions occur from 30-60 minutes after eating and include a sleepy, tired feeling and a mental and or physical restlessness or listlessness. In most cases both lethargic and aggressive behaviors in children are immediately and permanently cured when the offending food substance is discovered and eliminated. The benefits of a clean diet are many: reduced allergic reactions, less pain, clearer thinking, lowered stress, a leveling out of mood swings, and a stabilized, more predictable pathway towards the other requirements for Initiation.

A Personal Commitment to Improving Health
The minimum daily requirements for splendid physical health are:

·                    Vitamins

·                    Minerals

·                    Enzymes

·                    Essential fatty oils

·                    Amino acids

·                    Pure water

·                    Daily exercise

·                    Adequate sleep

·                    Generous touch

·                    Happiness

·                    Spiritual direction

·                    Community support




Keep it [your body] vigorous, strong, and youthful, for your life's work will demand a great deal of energy. Strengthen your body with physical labor, and eat pure food. Use your knowledge of chemistry and medicine to avoid harmful foodstuffs. Maintain a balanced diet of natural foods, for the body can be no better than the building materials provided it The responsibility for its proper nourishment is yours alone. If your body fails you, the lord cannot use you Moreover, a sound mind cannot exist in a poor body, nor is a sound body compatible with a distraught mind. Spiritual harmony and advancement demand a vigorous, stable mind and body. Be watchful over your vehicle.

The Ultimate Frontier





Superior Food Growing Technique