What Is the Vital Body?


Q:      Can you please explain the Vital body. What is the Vital body?


RK:    That is a pattern to which the physical body corresponds in absolute detail. That pattern on the second Plane of Existence, the Etheric Plane, is the thing which is transmitted along with the genetic material in the egg and the sperm when they come together. Actually, the Vital body is in the egg, but along with that is also the genetic material.


Q:      Is it like the life-force? So, the Vital body is the life force?


RK:    Let me clarify that a little bit more. There is kind of a spirit body, but it is not what we occupy when we are functioning on the Astral plane, which could be either heaven or hell depending on wherever it is on the Astral plane that you choose to reside while decarnate.


There is an energy on the Etheric plane which sort of has the life essence for a plant, for instance. The whole plant will have its life essence on the Second plane or the Etheric plane. The plant also has a Vital body. Wherever the Vital body grows from the seed—we are talking, of course, about plant seeds now, but human and animal seed works the same way. There is that pattern which is involved. There is also the energy which is used to maintain that Vital body on the Second plane. It is analogous to our electromagnetic spectrum of energies on the physical plane. There is one that corresponds to that which is on the Etheric Plane. The Vital body, which is the Etheric pattern for the form of that plant is sustained from week to week and month to month to make plants and animals. Cells die, they divide, some live for only a couple of weeks at a time and new ones take their place, in order to keep the thing in a form that it should be. For you to continue to look like you did—you can look at photographs of yours when you were a child and there are definite, recognizable characteristics that you still have today in your appearance. What holds that appearance is the Vital body which is the pattern for all the cells on the physical plane which will die. Animals have an Etheric body, but their Vital energy comes from the third Plane of Existence which is the Astral Plane. As human beings, since we do occupy an animal body, we have our life essence on the Astral Plane. Our Egos are on the fourth Plane of Existence. Egos also have an aura which can be seen by those who are on the Astral Plane which we call the Astral aura. There we can see what a person’s thoughts and character are in that aura.


Q:      When a person is discarnate, which one of those things is broken?


RK:    The Vital body, or the Etheric pattern, dissolves along with the physical body. What is left then is the Ego on the fourth Plane residing on the third plane which is the Astral Plane.


Q:      Can the Vital body be altered?


RK:    Yes it can, but it cannot be made more perfect than what it already is because it was created perfect. We can just interfere with it through negative mental activity. There is no force on the physical plane which can alter that.


Q:      Is the Vital Body what controls aging?


RK:    Yes, it is part of the process, but there are number of biological clocks setup in to the body to be sure that we do not drag on forever and ever and ever unless we have the intelligence to make that life valuable by continuing it. After you have worked with life for eighty years, I think you are ready to go on to do something else in another lifetime. (03-1982)



