How Is the Virtue of Discrimination Related to Awareness?


Q:      Would it help to particularly develop the Virtue of Discrimination so you’ll always make conscious choices about things and found yourself being tempted to act in a way that you might not normally automatically do? You might suspect something.


RK:      Yes, that is awareness. But you know, why do you pick one brand off the shelf rather than another brand? Sometimes if you are switching from one supermarket to another you don’t always find the same brands. Why would you happen to select one over four or five which seem to be essentially the same? That is where it will get you. You will make the decision based on a prejudice which has been put into you subliminally. And, it is worth it and it costs tens of thousands of dollars to produce a subliminal message into either a visual ad or a television or a radio sort of thing. And it pays off. I mean millions of dollars come back in return for the investment in that clever ad. We are bombarded by it all the time. Politicians are using it, too.


Q:      That is where it gets scary.


RK:      Yes, that is where it gets scary.


Q:      You may see those swastikas plastered all over Germany, you know, you see the symbol and associate it with Hitler.


RK:      It used to be. It is not any longer. As a matter of fact, the swastika the swastika is now outlawed to be used in Germany.


Q:      Well would it follow then, it would seem it would, that the more highly developed along the path towards Brotherhood a person is, the more you are protected against the subliminal?


RK:      You mean by your own awareness?


Q:      Yeah.


RK:      Hopefully. I do not know. There are a lot of things that, say for instance, a fairly advanced individual—might be two or three degrees of Brotherhood—just doesn’t pay a lot of attention to. I mean, so when it comes—you know to selecting which brand of dish soap (laughter). How much awareness do you want to put on a subject like that?



