Does Praying the Rosary Give the Same Results as Violet Screen Meditation?


Q:  It seems to me that praying the Rosary or any repetitive prayer might be similar to the Violet Screen meditation. You are praying one prayer after the other. You are putting yourself in a state of no brain chatter and in a quiet state. Are there similarities? Is that a good thing to do?


RK:    Repetitive prayer is almost a form of blanking which is not the same as the Violet Screen. You can mumble yourself into a state of kind of non-existence so far as consciousness is concerned.


Q:  Prayer seems to kind of keep you out of that non-existent state, but there seems to me to be some similarities there.


RK:    Prayer without thought is meaningless. There are people in the world who spin prayer wheels and finger beads and all those kinds of things. Each bead is supposed to mean something, but it is so by rote it is just essentially blanking. I think Shakespeare said, “Prayers without thought never go to Heaven,” because if it is just something you repeat mindlessly over, it becomes meaningless.


Q:  I can add something to that. I was brought up as a Catholic and said the rosary more times than I care to admit. And since joining The Adelphi Organization, I have also tried the Violet Screen meditation, so I have actual experience in both of those areas, and I would say that there’s no resemblance at all as far as the benefits or similarity of experience.


RK:    I will agree to that also.



