Why Does the Essene Gospel Warn Against Eating Meat?


Question:   THE ULTIMATE FRONTIER states that the human body was designed to eat both meat and vegetables—but it is clearly stated in the Essene Gospel that it is wrong to eat meat.


Answer:     The ancestors common to the human physical vehicle and apes were all vegetarians. The human body was deliberately altered to make it omnivorous. There are definite advantages to having a trim body which can be provided by the smaller alimentary tract of the omnivore, and the improved muscular structure of the meat-eater makes him better able to deal effectively with his environment. There are arguments that meat is of a baser vibrational level than vegetables—but vibrational properties exist only until the food is broken down into its molecular components by digestion. Actually, vegetables haven lower vibrational level than food derived from the animal kingdom. Probably the idea that meat-eating is conducive to a low vibrational level is brought about by observations that those who eat meat have more vitality, are more combative and more sexually active than those who live on a vegetable diet. Since these qualities are considered negative in many philosophies, particularly the more passive ones of the Orient, some people will reasonably conclude that eating meat is bad. Nevertheless, man is endowed with Mind which can amplify those qualities he chooses to make manifest in his character. By eating both meat and vegetables he can avail himself of the vitality necessary to carry forth great undertakings, and by exercising the powers of Mind he can alter his attitudes and behavior to become a controlled, balanced individual. The Essene Gospel, like many other “Lost chapters of the Bible”, contains much that has a ring of truth. However, many such writings were excluded from the Bible by those who compiled it because some of the information contained in them were untrue. There are many such gospels “discovered” every year, some even purportedly from Venus or directly from the Akashic Record. It is up to each person to decide whether or not he will accept such writings as the truth. (04-1971)



