Do We Really Need Technology? Question: I
believe that it is important to be completely attuned
to nature. Do we really have need for technology? Answer: Can
you imagine what this world would be like if we were to take all technology
away? For one, we wouldn’t have electricity, although
we could make candles out of tallow. We wouldn’t
have petroleum either, but again we would heat with some natural fuel such as
wood. We wouldn’t have plumbing or water pumped in.
Indeed, our homes would be quite different. Log cabins stood up very well. We
could weave cloth for clothing. But you would find
that you really would not have time for anything else but supplying your
creature needs. Technology buys us leisure time so that we can think and dream and plan. Technology gives us the tools
and organization by which to realize dreams. I dare say that there are deterrents
to Egoic advancement due to technology, but by and large,
technology serves man and that was the intention of it in the first place. You can also see that if we all took off to
the fields and woods and utilized them directly for our needs, there soon
would be no such natural resources left growing due to the large size of our
population. Technology allows us to support a greater number of Egos on the
planet. In order to do something useful, to build
something, to accrue security, we must have energy. To accomplish big
projects, you need the energy of others because you usually could not live
long enough to do it all yourself. By working, one gains karmic credits. A
person for whom we do work evens out that karmic exchange by giving us money which is a token for karmic credits. We then use
these karmic credits for supplying our needs or for hiring others to fulfill
our goals. Without working, we cannot accumulate any excess to use for what
we want. Technology allows us to create more with less human energy and
allows us to have more free time to do something useful for the world. However, there is no point in providing more
leisure time unless we are creative with that leisure time. Just to lie
around is debilitating. To use it for hobbies or for sports gains nothing in
the way of karmic credits. We are then just consumers of our own leisure
time. Rather we should use leisure time or excess money that we can earn
through technology to do something better. If you do not have a dream to
attain or a desire to be something better, then you are a sorry human being. But, if one wants a sense of joy or accomplishment he can
work so that the world will be a better place when he leaves it. One must have
someway of doing something useful for the world and that takes energy which is often represented by money. So technology is useful. (03-1973) |