Does The Stelle Group Sponsor Any Worship Services?


Question:     Does The Stelle Group sponsor any worship services?


Answer:       In The Stelle Group, we have meetings where philosophy and the goals that we are trying to accomplish are discussed. These meetings are held on a regular basis twice a month. But we have no priest or minister to conduct communion or other ritual. To establish any type of ritualized worship led by a person implies that there be a priesthood, and the Brotherhoods are very much opposed to the establishment of a priesthood in Stelle and in the Kingdom of God.


Of course, there are many emotional experiences that people can have by thinking about God and by going to church and thinking of Christ’s concern for us and how He has uplifted mankind. However, appreciation and awareness of that really has little to do with an individual’s Egoic growth.


When we consider worship, what is really important is recognizing that there are Greater Beings who are helping us and who indeed created us; we need not feel abandoned or cast adrift in a very perplexing sea of trouble. Therein, worship has value. Worship, in my estimation, is best conducted in the privacy of one’s own mind. Worship should be an individual’s thoughts and not ritualized guidance from the pulpit. (04-1974)



