What Kind of Person Are You Looking for in Stelle?


Q:      In all the things I have heard, and I have read your book—it sounds pretty far out. I have been searching for knowledge. I find myself in this position and I want to know is there anything you can say or prove that this is the path? What makes this different from the others? Why is the spiritual message given different from the Catholics or whatever?


RK:    It is obviously different from several things. We still talk about the same personalities and try to put, if nothing else, an alternative interpretation on some of the events that have occurred historically and what the import of what these different happenings are. There are no magic words we can use to convince somebody that our interpretation is correct. Just as a person who absolutely refuses to believe in God there is nothing you can say to him to make him believe in God. A person who is thoroughly convinced that there is one there is nothing that you can say that can unconvinced him. Let me put it this way a little bit: We try to show or reconcile some of the things between the metaphysical approach, or the religious approach, to Truth and the scientific approach to Truth.


Obviously, religion and science are both attempting find out what is the Truth. One comes from “revealed” sources and the other one tries to analyze it to come up with the best deductions they can from the evidence they uncover. When it comes to a point when something is absolutely true, both of them, eventually, have to come to the same answer. It does not make any difference which direction you come from. If it is true, then both people will find it true. Some takes longer one way and sometimes it takes longer another.


There are some things which religion has just not gotten around to deciding if they could even be a valid thing to investigate. For instance, just thirty-five years ago if you talked to any scientist at all about the possibility of clairvoyance, he would immediately write you off as a nut. But, scientists are now beginning to investigate people who claim to be clairvoyant and find that regardless of what culture they come from they, indeed, all report the same kind of things and their EEGs are identical when they say they are in this certain state. The same with people who claim to have been psychics and could heal through just the power of the mind. That sounded pretty “far out” to scientists not so long ago, but scientists are the ones who have been investigating these things and find, indeed, religion was right all along: there are people who can heal and maybe Christ was one of those kinds of people. So, whenever people decide to investigate they begin to find, indeed, there is some truth to it.


There are a lot people who say, “Well, those cities that are written about in the Old Testament are just myths.” But, archeologists are digging up the very places that they talk about and finding some evidence, in translating papyri or clay-tablets and so forth, that is the name of that place and that is the place it should have been and, indeed, people were there at that time. I do not know why it is that people who approach things from a scientific view seem to feel that it has to go according to scientific dogma and people who, in a religion, say it has to go according to religious dogma.


What I am trying to do in this book, that I published, is to show that if you let down your prejudice a little bit and let some information in you may shed some light on some dark corners that really would be valuable to forming a balanced view of what the Universe is like. Indeed, there are many people who are Nobel Prize winners who, obviously, are the tops in their scientific fields who believe in God. That disturbs a lot of scientists that somebody who is a Nobel Prize winner should believe in God because there is no proof of God.


But, the mind is capable of different kinds of logic. There is a kind of logic where you can add up one and one and get two, and take certain deductive kinds of logic and come up with an answer which holds up to pretty rigorous arguments. Yet, there are people who find that there are intuitive ways of coming up with information that are equally valid to them even though they cannot prove it according to the same scientific rule. I think we need to be sensitive to both forms of perception: that which is intuitive and that which is scientific. Indeed, most scientists say they intuited the answer before they came up with proof on a scientific basis. So, we do have to observe both ways.


If, reading The Ultimate Frontier, some people can be reconciled to both systems and see that they blend together. Something can be brought from both, then that is a very important thing that I have managed to have gotten across in writing that book. Indeed, there are a number of things in The Ultimate Frontier which have been verified scientifically since the time it was printed, at which time it was hanging out there all by itself and unsupported and that is very gratifying to me because I was acting on information that I had no way of proving personally. After a period of testing the information that had been given to me by my Teachers, I began to trust more and more the information that They gave me. When I tried it out in my life or tested my world-view in accordance with the principles they gave me, I found satisfaction out of it. So, therefore, what They do tell me, I pay close attention to. Unfortunately, I still happen to be the “doubting Thomas” type and I always want to test it out first before I pass it along. What I have passed along in The Ultimate Frontier are those things which makes sense to me.


We are really appealing to that type of person who believes that mankind can be made better, consciously. There are decisions which you can select out of many possibilities that will aim toward a better way of living toward one another and providing more need for all human beings. We appeal to the individual who says, “I believe that society can be make better by making a conscious decision,” and they are able to find other people who have the same belief here in Stelle. So, actually, there is kind of a rallying point for those types of people to find one another so they can interact with one another so they can do what they want to do.


But, I cannot convince you of anything. I do not even try to say that you must believe or that there is something deficient in you if you do not believe what I put forth. We are just simply not that dogmatic.


Most people who come here have a lot of reservation and I really respect the individual who holds those kinds of reservations until such time as he can kind of experiment with them in his own life. That sometimes takes a decade. The way we put it is we say that if you are generally in sympathy with what we believe and the aims that we have, then you are welcome here. We have no creed that you have to swear to, just a willingness to improve yourself and, if you make yourself a stronger brick to build the edifice of civilization, then civilization is going to be a better place.


We concentrate a great deal on the next generation, giving them all the possible tools that we know about to make them superior human beings. It is not to become elitist, but rather to allow some individuals to perceive the Universe in a far higher ability because of greater intelligence and perception than what we their parents have. We think that is what every teacher should do is build their student’s knowledge on top of whatever they know so that they can stand on higher shoulders than what they would otherwise. We have to hope that they will reach higher than we can with what we have been given before us. So, we are really looking for idealists. But, if they are not practical in their idealism, then their idealism does not amount to anything. So, it is practical idealism that we are looking for. Meanwhile, people can come here and kind of prove to themselves over a period of time, that what we have to offer will work in their lives and, if it does not, then they can find other places. Sometimes we find that our democratic system here is too much for people. They do not like sometimes being on the “short end” of the vote and they get pretty upset about that sort of thing because everybody is used to representative government here. You cannot say much about it one way or the other, but everything here is pretty earnest and if you have strong feelings about just the way we should go and how we should hurry things up and if somebody decides that they do not want to spend the money for that, we want to spend the money for this priority they say, “You guys are not seeing it right, but I will go along with you for awhile.” It is a little upsetting compared to doing it your own way.


Everybody has to go through a restructuring. It is about a twenty year process, at best, for anybody. Nobody, really, cares much to go through it because it is quite painful. It is the drive to know and if you are not being satisfied then that drive just keeps going on and keeps pushing and pushing and pushing you. When you do latch on to the Truth, it seems like everybody kind of instinctively knows that this is something that is solid that I can hang on to. It does seem to be instinctual. That is because we are just one among many competing philosophies. Experience is the only way you can determine if it is right or wrong. You have to test every philosophy to see if it works in your life. If it does not work in your life, then, at least, it is not valid for you. It might be valid for some other people, just not valid for you. It is interesting also that there are seven Lesser Brotherhoods, all spread around through the world, each one appealing to a personality type which kind of grabs their attention and appeals to a thing which they are kind of predisposed to accept, and there are hundreds of Mundane schools, each of which teach some portion of advancement—not the whole thing mainly because most people are not ready to have everything dumped on them all at once—but, at least, move them along in a kind of a progression of one level of understanding to the next. It is a long process, unfortunately. But, there is a great deal of misinformation which has been spread around for a long time because of the benefit of those who are putting forth the misinformation. They make it so attractive that they make you think it must be the best of all possible worlds. Being a “doubting Thomas” in the presence of all of the rest of your family is indeed a very uncomfortable position to be in. Most people learn to keep their mouth shut after awhile and pursue their quest on their own.


It is a very universal process that everybody has got to go through whether they started at thirty or fifty [years old] or what have you, everybody has to go through it. (03-1983)



