It Seems Like Stelle Overemphasizes the Intellectual


Question:     I feel that you have an over intellectualized approach and that you have neglected somewhat the body.


Richard:       The body is the instrument through which we must all function. We do not deny the body or mortify it so that we can purify the soul, because the vast majority of our growth comes from experience on the physical plane through the physical body. The body is our vehicle—our only point of reference with physical reality. We definitely believe that all of the things that the body has to offer are ultimately leading to a higher understanding on a higher level of spiritual realms. The body is a tool and it is designed ultimately to lead to a higher level of understanding of ourselves and all things. There are many people or religions that make a point of saying that you must deny the body in order to attain soul growth, or to dived all of your energies from the body so that you have more energy for soul pursuit, or modify the body so that its appetites do not stand in the way of your spiritual growth. The body is a tool and is best put to use for Egoic growth. The body is something that you learn to employ, not to destroy, or play down or glorify. It is a tool, and if you treat a tool well, it will do a good job. A tool must be kept sharp and it has to be kept free of rust and the human body is this type of tool also. Keep it healthy, keep it strong, and through certain types of exercises you can keep it fresh and a good tool for many years to come. We do not believe that a person will do well if he allows his body to become decrepit in old age. The Mind can go on forever, literally, so one should try to keep the body going on for as long a period as possible so as to get a longer continuity of experiences for the incarnation. But at the same time, we do not fuss about it either or constantly worry that we have eaten the wrong food. Some people get the idea that they will destroy themselves if they have a piece of white bread instead of stone-ground whole wheat or something. That is really carrying it too far and is hypochondriac. We believe that the body is designed by Greater Beings who know perfection, and it is a self-continuing device which functions best when not interfered with mentally or physically. Eat good food, get exercise and attend to the things that it needs, and it will serve well for a great number of years. (08-1973)



