Do the Brotherhoods Guarantee the Success Of Stelle?


Question:   Do the Brotherhoods guarantee the success of Stelle?


Richard:    It is possible that mistakes could be made to ruin everything. All that I am told is that those who are capable of seeing into the future — such as Masters — are able to see Stelle as history in advance. Stelle will do what it is set up to do and the Nation of God will evolve as it was intended to do.


It takes a lot of hard work to create the City of Stelle, for we are trying to do in one generation what normally takes three to do. The main thing is that Stelle accomplishes its goal, but there are no guarantees in this Universe. With enough people both inside The Stelle Group and outside of the Group pulling for the creation of Stelle, it is pretty certain that it will occur, but what twists and turns it takes will be brought about through individuals’ decisions to meet certain challenges as they arise; when a wrong decision is made, you have to work twice as hard to overcome it, therefore, it behooves everyone to be as sound in their decision-making as possible. Only certain types of information are given to us, such as what our role is and how we are supposed to get there in general terms, but then it is up to us to make the right decisions to get there. If we were locked into paths that had been prepared for us, we would not learn the lessons for Egoic advancement.


Question:   Then is it possible that some of the things that you mention in the book, such as some of the luxuries, might not come about if the people involved do not work hard enough or make the right decisions?


Richard:    Yes, that is possible. These are goals and you can have wonderful dreams for people and the people can believe in those dreams, but they can only do that which they are capable of doing. You cannot make a person suddenly greater than what he has achieved so far. He has to work to be better — so that is how he is, bound by his own limitations even though he is doing the best he can. He may know how to do it better, but he is doing the best he can. There is a difference. You aim for one thing because you can see it, but it takes time to get there. From the type of people we have been getting, I think we will make it. The ones that we needed in the beginning are now showing up. They are the careful ones who get where they are in the world for the very reason that they were careful. And we need them. There are the brave ones, too, who started out in the beginning when there was just blue sky and dreams and the need of a lot of tenacity for the individual to stay.


Question:   If you have been told that Stelle will be successful, why then do you express any uncertainty about accomplishing all you say in THE ULTIMATE FRONTIER?


Richard:    Because people are human beings and they do make mistakes. But, there are ways of rectifying mistakes so that you get back on the right path again. Sometimes The Stelle Group people have to be allowed to try out the wrong way to prove for evermore that it is the wrong way, and there is allowance of time for that too. I do not have veto power, but when the rest of the group presents different alternatives and they ask me which way I would go, I give my view, but that does not mean that the vote goes that way. Sometimes if it seems more logical to them to go another way, then that is the way that they are going to try.


There is no proof better than success, and we are starting to taste that after many, many years of struggling against all kinds of difficulties. (06-1973)



