Does a Person Have to Believe “TUF” To Become a Member?


Question:   Is a person required to believe there are seven planes of existence and invisible beings in order to join The Stelle Group, or can he become a member simply because he wants to help mankind?


Answer:     A candidate for membership in The Stelle Group need not believe unquestioningly all, the ideas THE ULTIMATE FRONTIER presents. If the philosophy makes sense to an individual and he is in sympathy with it, that is all that is required. Personal proof can be discovered for many of the concepts in the Philosophy, such as the laws of cause and effect, and one can prove to himself that mental attraction and precipitation really work—but one must first be willing to believe that they are possible. One cannot prove that there are seven planes of existence until he is an Archangel. However it is possible, through working with the Virtues to uplift one’s consciousness, torn person to experience a breakthrough to the third plane of existence. A glimpse of the Astral Plane might provide a clue that there are many planes of existence beyond the physical.


       The concepts of karma and reincarnation fit quite reasonably into the Philosophy and an acceptance of these ideas, though not a total belief in them, is essential to understanding of the Brotherhoods’ philosophy. Many of the ideas basic to THE ULTIMATE FRONTIER could be dropped in order to make its philosophy more palatable to a larger number of people, but the book was designed to show people how things evolved, where we’re trying to go, and how we are expected to fulfill our human roles in the overall Plan of the Brotherhoods. One’s wanting to help mankind and liking the idea of a community are not strong enough reasons for joining The Stelle Group. There is a point where disbelief keeps one from an understanding of the Philosophy which is basic to our work. The task of The Stelle Group is not just to build a community to succor humanity, but to re-establish a civilization worthy of the name and to bring about a general uplift of mankind which will reach far beyond our present lifetimes. This kind of effort requires an unremitting drive which is possible only through a deep understanding of what we are working for. (08-1971)



