

There is nothing immoral about smoking, but it is detrimental to most smoker’s health and also to the health of those around them. If you want to use tobacco in the privacy of your home, that is alright, but you are expected to not smoke in the presence of other people and especially never expose children to smoke since they are particularly vulnerable physiologically and also they tend to copy what they see adults do. Smoking is not going to keep you from becoming the Brother, but it certainly makes it more difficult. Smoking prevents your having full use of your red blood cells because so much hemoglobin is tied up by carbon-monoxide. Chronically reduced oxygen levels in the brain causes continuous high level dying of brain cells and also makes your whole body age more rapidly. The likelihood of the smoker attaining the ultra-aware brain state of the mystic is drastically reduced. Some smokers get ulcers from swallowing their saliva. Smoking has been proven to increase the risk of cancer and to harm a people’s lungs in several different ways. It is also not good for people in our society, who are middle-aged, because their cardio-vascular systems are not able to handle it well. However, some smokers make use of tobacco’s specific effect of reducing sex drive and sexual sensations. And, of course, there are the exceptional people, who live to be one-hundred and five, smoking a cigar and drinking a shot of hard whisky everyday, and thinking that is their formula for longevity. We definitely discourage smoking of anything and we find that people give up self-destructive habits like smoking as they develop self-esteem from other areas of their lives and so we are patient with the few who do smoke. Their health and mental acuity improves after giving it up and they then understand the price they have been paying for smoking.



