How Do Sleeping People Relate to Discarnate Egos?


Q:       Do we intermingle with those Egos who have transitioned to the Astral Plane?


RK:    You might, but it’s rare. The level we’re at on the Astral Plane while our body is asleep is really not the same level as those discarnate Egos. For lack of better terminology, your vibration is not really all that in tune with the upper or lower Astral Plane. You’re usually more aware of things which are in your neighborhood, and sometimes you stay Egoically in the same room as your body when you’re asleep. You’re not projected into Heaven when you sleep. Yes, you are on the Astral Plane, but it’s a different vibrational level than when you’re discarnate altogether. Teachers can make Themselves available to your Ego when you are asleep at least once a month, most of which you don’t remember when you come into consciousness again in the morning. (08-2001)



