The Remnant—How Many?


          One person referred to one of Richard’s “Observations” columns in THE LEMURIA BUILDER, in which he spoke of the remnant that are hidden in the present society and who are here to gather in Stelle and build the New Order Civilization. Since Stelle is expected to have a population of around 250,000 persons and the number of persons who will establish the Nation of God has been given as 144,000, Richard was asked what would happen to the remainder of the 250,000 people in Stelle, Richard explained that Stelle will not be destroyed at the turn of the century, but will be in existence for a generation or so afterwards. Those persons who have not achieved First Degree and cannot move to Philadelphia at the time that the 144,000 are taken will be able to move later when they have attained that advancement. Also, Richard pointed out that the figure of 144,000 represents adults. The actual number of persons including children may he twice that amount.



