Is Etheric Energy Involved in Radix?


Q:      I have a question about the Etheric body. Say someone has been overweight their whole life, will their Etheric body have an overweight form? If you cut your arm off, will your Etheric arm disappear? If you undergo Radix or Rolfing, is your Etheric body changed in any way?


RK:    When a person becomes overweight because it is a part of their own self-image for quite a long time, there is a secondary pattern which is developed. Every molecule has a pattern around which it forms. If you have extra molecules on your body that most people do not have, then, obviously, you are going to have those Etheric patterns of those molecules. The Vital body which is the pattern around which you are constructed—all your vital organs are dictated as to their functioning and their position and the work they do interrelated with others—that is the same for everybody. If you are seven feet tall or if you are a pygmy, if you weigh three-hundred and fifty pounds, or if you weigh one-hundred pounds, the Vital body is the same for everybody.


The genetic form which is integrated around that pattern could be widely different, as you pointed out. The Vital is the same for everybody. You grow as a fetus and as an individual, from infancy into adulthood, based on the growth of that Vital body. Your Vital body determines how you are going to be staying together the whole time that you are walking around.


When you have your arm cut off or lose some limb of that sort, after years the Vital body, for that particular section, begins to fade until finally it is not part of you any longer. That is a reverse effect that the physical body has on the Vital body. I am inclined to suspect—and I do not know this as an absolute—that the reason why that happens is because your own mental self-image tends to allow that part of your Vital body to fall away: you do not include it any longer.


The third question was about Radix which is a means of discharging muscular blocks and armorings and some neurotic types of connections in the brain, primarily through the method of discharging emotions. The person who is the operator, who works with the person who is going through the Radix experience, generates a lot of physical energy—you exercise and you get your breath going so you get plenty of oxygen—and, in the process of exercising, you develop quite a flow of energy on the physical plane through your body. Then there is a corresponding flow of Vital energy on the Etheric plane through your body. The uncomfortable aspects of a Radix discharge, where it seems like it is having a hard time getting energy through a certain muscular block, is due to the fact that the Etheric energy which is moving somehow is not able to be followed by the energies of the normal body functions on the physical plane. As that energy tries to move through the block in the muscles, it becomes very uncomfortable. So, there is Etheric energy moving.


Q:      So, your Vital or Etheric body, whatever, when you have your muscular armorings, does the energy not flow through the physical body correctly due to the—


RK:    Yes. The Etheric energy is moving like it is supposed to, but it is trying to carry with it energies on the physical plane and it cannot get through. Have you ever had a Radix experience? (Yes.) Then you understand when you are trying to get energy through a muscular block. It is pretty excruciating sometimes yet the operator is not doing anything to you. He is just helping you guide it. (01-1983)



