Public Meeting

Dallas, Texas

Third Quarter, 1985



Does God Punish People?


Q:   Does God punish us?


A:   God has created a Universe that is inherently neutral.  It neither punishes nor rewards, however, because of the Law of Cause and Effect, there is no such thing as chance in human affairs. Every-thing that enters our environment is a direct result of our own human thought and action.  People would like to avoid certain consequences of their actions, and thus, may think at times that they are being punished: but they are simply experiencing the results of their actions. Because of the cushioning of Karma now being done by Higher Beings, there can be a delay in experiencing the outcome of our prior actions.


What Are Fairies and Gnomes?


Q:   What are fairies and gnomes?


A:   Such phenomena are due to Angelic thought. The Angelic Host is constantly modifying animals, plants and the minerals in the earth.  For example, an Angel modifying the Etheric Pattern of a flower either to protect it from disease or to devise a new species actually brings about the change by thinking from afar what He wants the flower to be. Some individuals, especially children, can mentally perceive the Angelic thought process as a bright light.  The kinds of visual forms people impart to these lights in order to provide a reasonable frame of reference depend upon their previous conditioning. The “light” is too tiny to see any details in; so any form it may seem to take is endowed by the mind of the observer. Some people say they are fairies and visualize them with wings.  Gnomes are primarily seen in caverns and are Angelic thoughts working on crystalline forms to produce various kinds of minerals.  Thoughts are real things. Not only Angels, but also human beings who are deeply cogitating, can forethought patterns that are visible to a clairvoyant.


Why Did the Angels Endow People with the Sex Drive?


Q:   What are some of the reasons the Angels endowed our bodies with the sex drive?


A:   Sex is a thing everyone can relate to, but when you talk about Christian love, hardly anyone can explain it. Although the opportunities for engaging in casual sexual activity are more prevalent today, most people don’t get much out of it. If you cheapen sex by not really getting involved emotionally with your partner or developing long-range concern for the other person, sex becomes merely another thing to do. There are many different kinds of thoughts and attitudes relative to sexual intercourse. To some people it is an expression of utmost contempt done to or against another person. In other cases, the very opposite is true; some seek to bring positive forces into the either person’s life, to give of themselves to that other person and, therefore, be fulfilled in all the positive emotions of which they are capable—such as awe and joy.  Of course, you can experience awe and joy without sex but it is another bridge by which people can learn to live outside of themselves-outside of their own little egos. And so built into us is this very valuable tool for learning to go in the direction of spiritual expansion and concern for others. Nether forces can use that same tool to twist people into corrupted caricatures of what human beings should be—and such victims are totally miserable.  Some people derive nothing but beauty from sex; whereas other people suffer degradation. The drive is built into us; and it’s so insistent that it’s hard to ignore. It was built into us to move us to search out another person and to thus provide the social linkages upon which our very sanity depends. But presenting your needs to a prospective partner entails another kind of interaction. That other person can say “I understand about your needing me but how are you taking care of my needs? This isn’t a one-way deal!” People eventually learn that if you want something you have to give something—and a mutually satisfying deal is karmically sound. That was the means by which society began to recognize the essential need of equal benefits to contracting parties, and it can also lead to’ the final understanding that you get more satisfaction out of giving than taking.