Do Spirits Function Through Psychic Healers?


Question:   A group of people in the Philippines claim to perform operations using no surgical tools and no anesthetic nor sanitary precautions. They call themselves psychic healers. Do spirit entities function through these people?


Answer:     The operations are done by entities functioning on the Astral plane who mentally operate on the patient’s Etheric body. The Etheric body determines the shape and constancy of the physical body, and the physical body instantly conforms to changes in the Etheric pattern. Healers have said that these operations sometimes proceed more successfully if they look out a window or think of something unrelated to the operation rather than impose their will in any way. The healer is, in effect, functioning as medium and, as in other cases of mediumship, the risk to the individual healer is great. He has no guarantee that the beings functioning through him are benign. Some healers fall prey to vanity as a result of the adulation of those who are healed at their hands. The temptation to sell-aggrandizement makes an individual more receptive to the suggestions of scheming lower entities, and the healer may find that benign entities have deserted his work while lower Egos with equal powers quickly seize the opportunity to function through him. Possession and “hexes’ by lower entities is common among those involved in the Espiritista church in the Philippines. Sometimes a healthy healer is called upon to free a patient from an infestation of lower entities which occurred while the patient was being “cured” by Espiritistas.


It can be dangerous business to open oneself to healings. The Jews of Biblical times absolutely forbade it, and anyone who proved to have mystical curative powers was immediately banished as a witch. (09-1971)



