What Makes the Protective Prayer Effective?


Question:    What actually happens to make the Protective Prayer effective?


Richard:      There is no precise analogy, but it is similar to sending a radio signal and having it jammed by a stronger signal on the same wave length so the intended receiver cannot pick up the message. This “jamming” is done by Higher Beings when They are asked to do so. They jam the attempts of lower entities to telepathically contact an incarnate individual. You are entitled to that protection at all times, and you normally have that protection without ever asking for it because of a screen maintained by the Archangelic I-lost between astral and incarnate Egos. Even if you didn’t know about Christ, you would still have that protection, but if you are feeling hassled by life or feeling dejected, then these are the times when you put yourself on the same wavelength as lower entities and become susceptible to interference from them. During the times when you feel emotionally upset without apparent cause or are experiencing nightmares, then you are probably being pressured. Under such circumstances you should say the Protective Prayer and you will receive immediate relief. Yet, sometimes emotional tones and moods are hard to overcome mainly because you have built them up for days or weeks; and while you are protected from outside interference, you still have to work your own way out of your moods. (11-1972)


Question:    How long does the protection last?


Richard:      Anywhere from days to seconds depending upon what your mood is. If you say the Prayer and then are fearful that it will not work, then it would be good for only as long as you are saying it. The casual, half-hearted, prayer repeated from memory without thinking about its meaning and content has much less effectiveness than the emotionally stepped up or urgent plea for protection. (11-1972)



How Does the Protective Prayer Work?


Question:    If somebody says the Protective Prayer when they feel like they’re being harassed by negative spirits, and after saying the Protective Prayer the negative influence disappears, how does Christ or one of the Brotherhoods do that?


Richard:      I have always used the analogy of jamming the signal of the negative entity. The negative entity is sending a mental projection, and somebody in the Brotherhoods or higher up can block that by sending a stronger signal.


Question:    They send an image of Their own?


Richard:      I don’t know about images. They just block the other image or projection.


Question:    But that takes a present-time conscious effort by that Higher Being.


Richard:      Yes, right.


Question:    They could be very busy at the time.


Richard:      There is a lot of very busy negative entities, and it takes a lot of efforts to keep blocking them so long as a recipient wants them blocked. Some people sink into acceptance of negative images, and they are not asking for protection. So the negative entities just continue to have their images received. (08-2001)




