What Kind of Orientation Is There for Philadelphia?


Question:    What kind of an orientation will there be prior to your move to Philadelphia?


Richard:      We will be teaching English to those people who did not know English. Brothers coming from different parts of the world may not be acquainted with our customs or modes of behavior. We do things in certain ways at Stelle and people will become accustomed to these ways. (07-1973)



Why Spend Money on Adelphi When Philadelphia Is the Goal?


Q:       You won’t just let anybody in though, will you?


RK:     Oh, no. But see, the first stage of this project is being put together here in Texas right now. We have roads in for thirty acres, we have our own well, our own sewage treatment plant.


Q:       Why are you spending money on this one when we really need to take the money and get this island?


RK:     But there are people who need to be trained, and to move out on the Island, I presume a person has to have enough money to have their own house built. Because we can’t built it for them. And the people who have the skills and a marketable item to build, factories, they have to be involved also.


Q:       And you don’t have that many types of people here, right?


RK:     Right now—


Q:       Are we going to need medical personnel?


RK:     Right. All those kinds of people. (02-1990)



