What Is Spiritual Obsession?


People can get into what they call obsessive states which involves having another entity actually trying to use you and use your brain as if they were incarnating into your body. That is obsession. (Possession is one where there is a much higher intelligence with greater ability than you have to manipulate your mind through a hypnotic technique from a distance and not actually trying to incarnate through you.) Obsession is that situation where people hear voices all the time and cannot turn the dang things off. It is a real mess for people. Many people have learned to live with it and keep their “trap shut” because when they go to somebody who is a professional psychologist or psychiatrist they always want to invite them to commit themselves for observation in the “funny farm.” Sometimes, that is a one-way situation. Sometimes, that is a one-way situation. Some of these meditative techniques are really an open invitation to the possibility of somebody coming through you and trying to infest your environment to the extent that they can have an influence here on the physical plane. (02-1983)



