Q: How can you make yourself aware of the
mechanism and do it? What I am talking about is willing yourself to be aware
of what you are doing and getting out your body essentially. RK: That was
the first question that the lady asked, “Why can’t you be aware of everything
which is in your Egoic memory?” Why can’t you do that all the time? There is
an inherent block that you can learn how to penetrate. Once you have learned
how to do that, you are essentially clairvoyant: you have learned how to
impress on your brain information which you are picking up Egoically at
another place. Say, for instance, while your body is asleep and you, as an
Ego, are traveling elsewhere on the Astral Plane, which is what all of do all
the time when we are asleep. Our Egoic Mind is never shut off. As a matter of
fact, the brain never stops functioning except that we, as Egos, are not
aware of what our brain is doing when we are someplace else. It is just going
through its normal self-correcting processes which are accomplished much
through dreaming and other things which happen all the time inside the brain.
We are aware of what is going on in the brain, on a conscious level, only at
the time that we are controlling our body when it is in its awake state.
Indeed, many activities that are going on in our brains never come to our
conscious awareness; just never do. Intuition,
for instance, where we process information that we already have stored away
in our memory-banks through a normally logical process, never comes to the
awareness. Intuition is a process that is going on beneath the awareness of
the conscious filter. It will sometimes bring an answer that we are looking
for just like it is thought into existence all at once. We are not aware of a
conscious process that we are going through when we come up with a logical
answer, because we did not go through a conscious process of logic. It is the
subliminal parts of our brain which are able to do that for us without going
through the desire, step-by-step, to process it in order to get that answer.
And yet, we are able to recognize, “Hey, that is pretty good.” And then you
can go back and test it with the things that you do know and say, “I sure am
glad that I got the inspiration to do that because I never would have thought
of it otherwise.” And, it is now something which you can test logically. (11-1981)