Characteristics of the Mind


     Is that part of the mind caned the subconscious of a different quality of mind than the conscious mind? This was one of the questions covered at the March question-and-answer session.

     In answering, Richard explained that the concept of the mind being distinctly divided into the conscious mind and the subconscious mind is inaccurate. Everything a person has seen, heard, thought and done is retained and has an influence on subsequent thoughts and responses. The apparent barrier to conscious recall is due to disuse of the stored information, or to the suppression of emotionally painful memories. But in order to overcome emotional problems rooted in the subconscious, these repressed memories have to be brought up to the conscious level and dealt with rationally. Egos of the Fourth Degree and above have penetrated the so-called barrier to the subconscious so that all the functions of their mind are totally available to them, including their Egoic memory.

     The suppressed subconscious is strictly an individual creation. It is the protective device used by an individual to uphold his self-image and to maintain a sense of worthiness when he cannot bear to face all that he feels he is and has done. Being the source of fixations, phobias and other personality disturbances, the subconscious affects the behavior and efficiency of an individual without his awareness because the motivations are beyond his rational control. (03-1969)



What Are Some Characteristics of Mind Power?


Q:    I have been studying astrology enough to believe that there is an influence from planets on us. I assume from what you’ve said before that physical life on a planet ends when all the people achieve Mastership. And I was wondering if there was more influence on us through these planets when their inhabitants were in physical incarnation, or is it about the same when they’re all dead and they’ve achieved higher spiritual levels?


RK: I’ll get to that, but I’m going to ask a question to clarify the answer. How do you feel about the idea that every human being associated with this planet, incarnate or discarnate, their mental activities have an influence on your mental activities?


Q:    I think that makes sense. We’re like antennas or something.


RK: Well, my Teachers were pretty adamant about the idea that the power of Mind is able to be experienced by the Higher Beings instantaneously regardless of where God is. It’s a very big Universe. And the Godhead has to be someplace. And if we want to pray to God, can we wait three million light years to get an answer back to our prayer? Well, obviously, we can’t. It’s kind of like applying pressure to a liquid. That pressure is distributed throughout that liquid instantaneously and undiminished, because the liquid is not compressible to any real extent, even though it’s just a whole bunch of atoms bouncing around. The same sort of thing happens with our Minds. Our Mind power is not limited by the inverse square of diminishment of radiation as other radiating things are on this physical plane. Our Minds’ thoughts penetrate to the farthest reaches of the Universe instantaneously, undiminished. So your thoughts have an influence on people in other galaxies. I don’t want you to get a swelled head over that. Because you’re one of quadrillions of quadrillions of Egos throughout the Universe. And they all have an influence on everybody on their planet, and they have as much influence on you and this planet as you have on them on their planet. Now, you are one influence among incredible trillions; so in the aggregate, what human Egos think about, do, their dreams, their thoughts, negative and positive, all have to be taken together as to their influence. Now we’re talking about a universal question, which if I understand you correctly, if nobody is incarnate on a planet any longer because everybody has achieved Mastership, does that planet still have the same influence on us astrologically? Well, yes; mainly because it has to do with things related to gravity and electromagnetic radiations. And that doesn’t diminish. So where are all of these Egos now that they’ve made Mastership as human beings; where do They go after They’re all Masters? They don’t go anywhere; They stay with Their planet even though They’re not incarnating any longer. However, all planets are part of a solar system. When all the human Egos have made mastership on all the planets of a given solar system, then the star goes nova and all of those human Egos are described as Thirteenth Degree, and They all live together with Their Angelic Host on the core of the star that went nova, waiting for a progression of the lifewaves. That may be somewhat complicated, but everybody’s got to be somewhere. I hope that answers your question. (08-2001)



