Metaphysical Schools


     The question that followed was, “What kind of schools or instruction are available to the person who wishes to become a Brother?” Richard answered that of the numerous mundane schools started over the past hundreds of years, few remain whose teachings are still pure and ungarbled. The Masons, Theosophists, and Rosicrucians are examples of schools which originally offered valuable information but which have become almost entirely distorted by unauthorized sources of information. The Stelle Group is preparing some preliminary lesson material which will be a step toward readiness for the rich teachings of Citizenship training which will be available in the city of Stelle. By cluttering teachings with non-fact, the intended meaning of a philosophy is obscured; and to most of the mundane schools this problem has proven nearly fatal. This is why the Brotherhoods have waited until just one generation before Armageddon to gather together the people for the Nation of God. It is a truism that converts are the strongest pillars in any religious organization, and the city of Stelle will consist entirely of converts dedicated to rising above a badly slipping civilization and to putting into effect a “new” and essential philosophy. (04-1970)



