Perils of Inspiration and Mediumship A question was asked whether seeking
inspiration in the sense of seeking special guidance might be dangerous.
Richard replied that seeking inspiration is hazardous and that those who
follow inspiration are more often than not led astray. Since the inspiration
comes from some other Ego, an individual who has not yet reached First Degree
is unable to determine its source. Also, a person who follows inspiration and
then gives misinformation to others bears the karmic responsibility for
misleading them. In expanding further on the subject, Richard
emphasized the perils of any sort of mediumship. This would include any
instance in which a person allows decarnate Egos to inspire him, speak
through him, or operate through him in any way, whether the medium is
conscious or unconscious. Even though the Egos expressing themselves through
a medium may be benign, and though the medium be thoroughly sincere, an
individual who allows himself to be a channel can become aligned unwittingly
with lower entities from whom he cannot extricate himself. Richard said that dabbling in such phenomena
is self-destructive and not in any way conducive to attaining Egoic
advancement. It is through practice of the Great Virtues that naturally
increased awareness and understanding develops safely, and this is the path
to experiencing all the success and happiness which is the natural state of
enlightened man. (12-1968) |