Marijuana and Advancement


     A young man in the audience asked Richard why marijuana is considered dangerous since it is, after all, only a plant. Richard replied that alcohol is not “dangerous” either, but an alcoholic contributes little to his society and usually becomes dependent upon others for his support. Likewise, a mind lost in euphoric wanderings through the peculiar sensations experienced after smoking marijuana is not able to profit from the kind of program the Brothers offer; nor can the brain in such a state provide a proper vehicle through which one’s mind can contribute to the exacting tasks ahead of us in establishing a new civilization. Though it is admitted that every individual should be free to pursue his own interests in the world at large, the use of drugs cannot be allowed in the city of Stelle. A condition of intoxication is at cross-purposes with the Brotherhood’s Great Plan. (08-1970)



Problems with Marijuana Usage


     In an earlier issue of The Lemuria Builder Richard had stated that the use of marijuana is incompatible with the purposes of the Brotherhoods. A young woman asked him to enlarge on that statement. Richard said that he personally has no strong objections if other people choose to become intoxicated on marijuana or alcohol, but there are logical reasons why one who is interested in spiritual advancement is at cross-purposes with himself if he uses hallucinogenics or narcotics of any kind. Narcotics, alcohol, marijuana or LSD produce in the individual a tendency to turn inward upon himself and dwell upon his own brain content and inner personality. Most users pay lip service to a desire to unite with the rest of humanity toward a deeper social communion and cooperation; so their use of marijuana, which separates them into their own private dream world, is hypocritical at least. In order to advance Egoically, individuals must relate to their environment outwardly in a responsible, constructive manner—all great spiritual leaders affirm this fact. Moreover, the use of marijuana also tends to induce a kind of “magical thinking” within the individual so that he begins to consider all the wonders and machinations of the universe as somehow being focused especially on him and having special significance for him alone.


     Although one may stop using marijuana without suffering withdrawal symptoms, there is often long- lasting emotional dependence developed along with the use of marijuana which undermines one’s ambition and one’s image of himself as a strong, able Ego, in control of himself and his environment. The weak alcoholics and pot heads would be crumbling bricks in the edifice of any civilization. All fantasy inducing drugs which remove one from reality also lower the threshold of will, thus making the user subject to influence by lower entities. (12-1970)



How Does Smoking Marijuana Affect Your Body?


Question:  How does smoking marijuana affect your body?


Richard:     Within a few seconds after starting to smoke a marijuana cigarette, the bioelectric field that surrounds the body collapses and doesn’t regenerate for another five days or so. Like tobacco, the smoldering of marijuana produces carbon monoxide which diminishes brain function via long-range reduction of the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood. The psychoactive component of marijuana induces intoxication which mimics alcohol’s effects, and marijuana conveys pleasurable, dreamy feelings which tend to result in psychological addiction.


Question:  So is that any worse than drinking alcoholic beverages? Why make pot smoking be against the law?


Answer:     Every civilized nation in the world tries to diminish the use of drugs and alcoholism in their country because it makes their society disintegrate. Historically, the use of drugs makes a population open to invasion or infiltration by others until they are no longer in control of their homeland. For years before Japan invaded China in the 1930’s, the Japanese government funded a massive give-away of opium to the Chinese population to make them less resistive to Japan’s planned armed invasion. Governments have used dope to undermine populations for centuries, even to this day.


A few years ago some newspapers reported a speech made by Zbigniew Brzezinski before a gathering of government officials and wealthy, influential people where he extolled the benefits of chemically tranquilizing whole populations by secretly drugging public water supplies and key foods. He spoke of this quite matter-of-factly as the coming method to guarantee peace and docility for the general good. I don’t think that our government is presently promoting drug usage in the USA, but many forces privately operative in this country seek political advantage or profit in promoting drug consumption in America, for instance.


Warner Communications, which is prominent in movie-making and the pop recordings business is owned by Canadians who derived their wealth through connection to drug distribution on this continent. They purposely popularize the drug usage by their rock and roll stars and repeatedly show the use of marijuana in movies in a romanticized way. Two of the most lucrative banks in the world are in Singapore and Hong Kong where they have funded the opium trade in Southeast Asia for a century. Several American and British banking families are major stockholders in those two Asian banks because of the high rate of return on investment.


There is also a kind of psychological warfare being conducted against the people of the USA. Few Americans seem to be aware that almost every development in psychology in the United States in the past 65 years has been directed by the Bureau of Psychological Warfare of the British Army, and this includes the conducting of experiments to develop a drug culture here to determine its effects for manipulating a population.


Question:  How was that done?


Answer:     This activity was initiated by the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in London whose goal is to obtain and exercise control over every aspect of human behavior of American citizens. Let me tell you about the history of this outfit. After WWI, the General Staff of the British Army decided it was crucial that they determine the breaking point of the soldier under combat conditions because of the many soldiers who were permanently impaired by shell shock from prolonged artillery barrages. The Tavistock Institute was run by Sir John Rawlings Reese, head of the British Army Psychological Warfare Bureau. A cadre of highly trained specialists in psychological warfare was built up in total secrecy until WWII. This group then organized and trained the entire staffs of the OSS (forerunner of the CIA), and of the Supreme Headquarters of the Allied Expeditionary Forces, and other key American military groups. During WWII, the Tavistock Institute combined with the medical sciences division of the Rockefeller Foundation for esoteric experiments with mind-altering drugs. The present drug culture in the USA is traced in its entirety to this institute, which supervised the CIA’s training programs.


The so-called drug counterculture originated when Sandoz A.G., a Swiss pharmaceutical house owned by S.G. Warburg & Co., developed LSD. James Warburg, son of Paul Warburg, a German banker who authored the Federal Reserve Act in this country in 1910, financed a subsidiary of the Tavistock Institute in the USA called the Institute for Policy Studies. James Warburg set up a CIA program to experiment with LSD on CIA agents, some of whom later committed suicide. If you remember from news reports not too many years ago, huge lawsuits were brought against the U.S. Government by the families of the victims of that program, called MK-Ultra. The Institute for Policy Studies set up a campus subsidiary called Students for Democratic Society, or SDS, which was devoted to drugs and revolution. Warburg used twenty million dollars of CIA funds to promote the campus riots of the 1960’s. The Tavistock Institute has also devoted its activities to developing “sensitivity training” and the “sexual encounter” programs in groups such as the Esalen Institute by its own psychologists. Business Week magazine (Oct. 26, 1963) identified the Tavistock Institute as having implemented its psychological training and testing in the University of Michigan and University of California, which became hotbeds of radicalism and the drug network.


So you see, young people were targeted and manipulated into becoming drug freaks here by another government. Doesn’t that make you feel great to know your mind and attitudes are being played with by a foreign power?


Question:  Yeah, but the American Indians used psychedelic drugs and marijuana long before the Whites arrived. Why were they using the stuff?


Answer:     Indians have used them in order to reach spirit entities since these substances can open you to the influence of spirits. Indians don’t use them for recreational fun but rather as part of spiritualist activities. They hope to reach good spirits or those of their ancestors but, generally speaking, they get interference from dangerous spirit entities. There are a number of psychoactive drugs which lead to easy spirit domination, and some people who seek to have first-hand experience of the spirit world use these drugs for that reason. Most people, of course, smoke a joint just to get high, not realizing what other things they might possibly be opening themselves to. For instance, a gradual change of attitudes and outlooks may occur. New opinions may be induced by entities who gradually introduce an idea which is slightly undermining. Then, if it is accepted, they offer another idea which is more undermining, and so on, until finally one’s attitude has entirely changed in character over a period of a few years.


Question:  Okay. How do you think we should deal with marijuana in our country? What is the attitude toward smoking marijuana in your communities?


Answer:     Those things which are destructive to the young and which essentially undermine the consciousness of the nation should be worked against. It is repulsive to see a third grader in trouble because he’s smoking marijuana. That, unfortunately, is more widespread in our nation than most parents want to believe. I don’t know if legislation and enforcement is the best answer, but it’s the toughest one people have come up with in order to stop it. My motive is not to start a campaign against marijuana. However, we do not have marijuana smoking by members of The Stelle Group or The Adelphi Organization. People who are determined to smoke marijuana or do drugs or become tipsy on alcohol are invited to leave. Marijuana works against the brain. Anything which is deleterious to the mind’s ability to properly function is obviously going to go against one’s spiritual development.


The brain is the principle tool through which an Ego operates, and if it is only partially functioning some of the time, this greatly decreases the possibility to gain Initiation into the Brotherhoods in this lifetime. It doesn’t compute for people to come to a spiritual community and then do something that undermines their ability to grow spiritually. It’s hard to advance except when one is on the hard point of reality. Smoking marijuana is against the law in this State. The world is wide and there are lots of places to smoke marijuana, but such activities can not be condoned in Stelle or Adelphi. (08-1983)



