Meaning of Eklal Kueshana


A woman in the audience questioned Richard as to the meaning of his pen-name, Eklal Kueshana. Richard answered that the two words are Lemurian. Eklal means a spout, like that of a pitcher or fountain, and Kueshana means “an anointed person.” Loosely translated, the two words mean “Fountainhead of Christ.”




What Does “Eklal Kueshana” Mean?


Question:   Would you tell me something about your given name of Eklal Kueshana?


Richard:    That is part of the name that Dr. White gave me. It is in the Lemurian language. In its English translation, Eklal means “spout” of a pitcher or fountain and Kueshana means “an anointed one”. That does not refer directly to me but rather to Christ, and it is very loose translation the name means “the fountainhead of Christ”. (03-1973)



