The Key of David


My impression of what the Key of David is about is the decisions that I would have to make which would influence where the Nation of God or where Stelle goes or plans that are part of those things happen to go, They will, on the Astral Plane and on the Mental Plane, make Their decisions conform to those rather than going counter to mine. I don’t know what the machinery is that is behind it.


It, essentially, is a kind of an agreement like a captain in the army who is up at the front lines and he makes a decision and the decision turns out to not to have been the best one so far as the success of his company campaign is concerned. He has a lot of losses, but if it seemed like the right decisions were made at the time, his major or colonel will back him up instead of throwing him to the wolves if a court-martial comes up. He was the man who was appointed to make the decision, nobody else made could make the decision, those were the decisions he made, he did the best he could at the time, and he is still  a good officer. So, in other words, the guys upstairs, in order to protect the people who are working for them, will back the decisions of the [inaudible].


Q:  So, They will work with you, then?


RK:    Right. It’s not that all decision-making happens in just one direction from the top down. It also is observed—the decision-making is made by subordinates [inaudible] in order to have a continuity of, let’s say, action and intention, and of all moving in the same direction. I think another advantage, also, deals with the divide-and-conquer wedge to nether entities to portions of people on the physical plane.


Q:  I heard that you had removed that in some fashion for a certain period of time, and that Stelle experienced a lot of difficulties during that time period. Is that true?


RK:    Trying to make me a mean guy? [lots of laughter]


Q:  I am trying to understand what it is that you removed and how it works. I understand that you said it is kind of a cooperative type of backing up, but I have the impression that it was also a power of some nature. I was wondering what it is and how you yield it and what you can do with and what you can’t do with it?


RK:    Well, so far I have always used it with the concurrence of my Teachers before I decide that. In many cases, it is with Their urging. So, I don’t exactly know the exact mechanism that is involved, just that we will be in agreement now. Obviously, I do not have any personal power to do anything about it. It has to be with the agreement of my Teachers, and whatever area of the hierarchy is above me in this particular [inaudible].


They have lots of civilians working for Them, you know. They have to be in agreement with those people in order to make something happen. Now, if I had a concern with a real problem in Stelle or something like that, then sometimes They would say, “Well, you have this ability to do such and so. Tell us what you want to do, and if that’s what you want to do and you think you can work with it, because every sword has two edges: it can cut both ways." Anytime you use your powers, there tends to be a force equal and opposite in reaction which can come back at you, so you soon learn to use it with moderation or as little as possible, in any event.


Q:  Is this power that you are using, is this something that—


RK:    I am not using it all the time. I am using it in certain circumstances which have been so serious that my Teachers have really been very much in [inaudible] of it. “What are you going to do about this situation. You have a situation on your hands, what are you going to do about it?”


It is just like if you were a president of a corporation and you have a manager who is having difficulty in a department. They don’t come to you and say, “[inaudible] department says this is what you are going to have to do.” Instead, the president calls the manager in and says, “Hey. You have got problems in your department. What are you going to do about it?” That is the same kind of thing that happens with me. Under those circumstances, I have to think about what possible action could be taken, and I consult with Them and say, “Well, this is what you brought up. I recognize it as a fault. So, all is a possibility." They say, “Well, that sounds good. What is a better one?” So, I think some more. [laughing]. When we come to an agreement about it, we work together on it.


But, I personally do not have any powers such as They are able to yield. If they choose to remove certain kinds of protection, because people say, “I don’t want to be interfered with. I want to do my own—I am the honcho. I want to do things my way,” then They will back off.


Q:  Is this strictly a matter of removing protection, and then letting nether entities and various influences gang-up on a person?

RK:    Right.


Q:  So, it is not like an external force that you are impinging upon somebody?


RK:    Right.


Q:  You are backing off and letting them face the challenges themselves, and, of course, they are overcome—


RK:    Well, not always.


Q:  Or else they are challenged by—


RK:    Well, they can sweat it through on their [inaudible], because they then find out what it is like doing it on their own. If anybody grabs responsibility or authority and decides that they want to do it their own way and really doesn’t want any interference, well They can say, “Okay. We will remove the interference. You can work it out on your own and see what it is like." I certainly have been in that spot several times. I usually welcome Their support again.


In many cases, why that has been done that They would remove support was that They couldn’t agree with where things were going. They couldn’t—in Their consciousness, They couldn’t assume responsibility for allowing it to continue, and that is why They say, “Well, we have to allow the natural outworkings or whatever repercussions are naturally due for certain types of activities, and let those things work out through natural karma, and then we can see where people want to go from there and offer Our protection again. They cannot continue to support you or protect you from the just dues of whatever it is that you have coming to you for wrong actions. So, They have to back away from giving them protection.


Now, on occasion that has happened to an entire group. This whole Group has had that happen to them, because of certain directions that they were going. They had to think out, en masse, which was the best way to go. The pressures were really getting them to think about why it is that all of a sudden everything really seemed to be so impossible to deal, that they said, “Oh, my gosh. Something has gone wrong. We have got to do something.” That is what causes people then to take proper action after having thought though, hopefully, all the alternatives, and come up with the best one. If what they do then works out positively and all the karma has sorted itself out as need be, then the Brothers can then allow that protection to be working again.


Now, the Brotherhoods have no power to relieve the protection given by our Archangelic Host between entities on the Astral Plane negatively influencing people who are in incarnation. There is no way for anybody to remove that. Christ is not going to do that on an individual basis, I am pretty sure. But, what the Brotherhoods can remove is the special protection against influence of nether entities. They will not stand in the way of natural karma working out. In other words, they will no longer buffer—the Brotherhoods were involved very frequently in the cushioning or buffering of retribution, as it were, karmically in certain things that people were doing. They can remove that buffer or cushioning, but They can remove the special protection that we have against influences by nether entities: the Special One. The one the Brotherhoods add to Christ’s protection.


I do not know if this is really something that most people will ever have to worry about all the time. I certainly don’t want you to get the idea that somehow if you are not behaving right, I can look at and zap you. I just don’t have that kind of power. I hope I never do. [laughter]


Q:  Where is this power coming from? what level?


RK:    [inaudible] it’s on the Mental. There are mental pictures—Their protections, all of the images that They—we are not building Stelle all by ourselves. We are not out here with our “necks stuck on the block” all by ourselves. There are a lot of things that They do to smooth our paths that we are simply incapable of handling by ourselves; it is just beyond our powers to deal with on other planes of existence. The protections that They have from influences by nether entities is very important for us. They are really observing all the different kinds of things that are pressuring us, and They will do whatever They can in order to diminish those kinds of things. These are far beyond the ability of anyone here to do that on their own. It is beautiful to have that kind of protection. (OH: 6-1981)



