Karma: An Overview


Whatever you do which is hurtful to another person has to come back to you in equal hurt. When you do something which is good and beneficial to other people, then exactly the same thing is going to come back to you.


There are three different categories. One is economic karma, which is when you steal something from somebody something is going to be stolen from you which is of equal value. It may not be in this lifetime or maybe fifty years may go by before that equals out, but it will happen.


Then there is what I call physical karma that has to do with causing a physical injury of some sort to another person. For instance, you carelessly close the door on somebody’s hand, and they break a couple of bones in their fingers, which is kind of a painful process that takes weeks afterward for the mending or healing process. Then you have to expect that you are going to suffer an equivalent pain somewhere along the line. It might not come back exactly to the hand, but some part of your body will be used to deliver the same amount of pain back to you in inconvenience and cost, etc.


The third category is emotional karma: the kinds of things that you might do that would be hurtful to the sensitivities of another person. And also, the bringing of joy to many people means that there will be many people who will bring joy to you.


The whole object of karma is twofold: one is to maintain absolute justice throughout the Universe and time, and the other is to teach people, through example, that doing anything that is dishonest or cruel—exactly the same thing comes back to them. If you don’t like things that are painful to happen to you, then you have to be sure that you do not initiate them by doing them to somebody else first.



