Is Stelle Gaining Negative Karma By Accepting Donations?


Question:     Are the members of The Stelle Group taking on negative karma since they are receiving something for nothing in the funds donated to the group by non-members?


Richard:       Yes, in a way. We are willing to take on this negative karma because we are assured it will be spread out over many generations. Persons who are contributing their labor to help build the city of Stelle will also enjoy living in it; so they are gaining something for noting from donated funds which are in excess of the value of their labor. However, since this is part of a far-reaching program for uplifting all mankind, succeeding generations will also benefit from the present labor and donations. They too will be involved in getting something for nothing. In a sense we all get something for nothing just by being born and by living in a country which was created by others before us. Citizens of the future Nation of God will be working off some of the gifts received by Stelle by doing their parts to uplift mankind. It is karmic deferment which saves us — the doing of good works to pay back that which we had not previously earned. Most of the donations Stelle presently receives go into the Stelle school system. We are educating children in a very special way, and you could also say that those students are getting something for nothing. We are putting together the facilities for educating those children from gifts, but through the children we are putting back into the world a great deal more than we are taking out. Later on the grown children will pay off their free education by their excess service to humanity. That is one of the beauties of karma. It allows one to hold in abeyance certain debts which if brought due immediately would keep a person from ever getting ahead. If children were being held to immediate accountancy for what they receive as children, they couldn’t begin to repay; and the world would never evolve. All of the gifts that you received as a child from your parents will eventually be repaid by you through your giving to your children. If you don’t have children in this incarnation, you can repay this debt by having several in another incarnation. The economy of karma is very timely and it works out in a totally fair, just way. The members of The Stelle Group are very likely to work off their share of the cost of creating Stelle within their lifetime. (01-1973)



Does Adelphi Incur Negative Karma Due to the Donations?


Question:   When the members of The Adelphi Organization receive outside donations, are they incurring negative karma by receiving some-thing for nothing?


Answer:   Yes, in a way. We are willing to take on this negative karma because we are assured it will be spread out over many generations. Persons who are contributing their labor to help build the cities of Stelle and Adelphi will also enjoy living in them; so they are gaining something for nothing from donated funds which are in excess of the value of their labor. However, since this is part of a far-reaching program for uplifting all mankind, succeeding generations will also benefit from the present labor and donations. They too will be involved in getting something for nothing. In a sense we all get something for nothing just by being born and by living in a country which was created by others before us. Citizens of the future Nation of God will be working off some of the gifts received now by doing their part to uplift mankind. It is karmic deferment which saves us—the doing of good works to pay back that which we had not previously earned. Most of the donations we presently receive go into the school fund. We are educating children in a very special way, and you could also say that these students are getting something for nothing. We are putting together the facilities for educating those children from gifts, but through the children we are putting back into the world a great deal more than we are taking out. Later on the grown children will pay off their free education by their excess service to humanity. That is one of the beauties of karma. It allows one to hold in abeyance certain debts which if brought due immediately would keep a person from ever getting ahead. If children were being held to immediate accountancy for what they receive as children, they couldn’t begin to repay; and the world would never evolve. All of the gifts that you received as a child from your parents will eventually be repaid by you through your giving to your children. If you don’t have children in this incarnation, you can repay this debt by having several in another incarnation. The economy of karma is very timely and it works out in a totally fair, just way. The members of Adelphi and Stelle are very likely to work off their share of the cost of creating the cities within their lifetime. (04-1985 TAO)



