What Is Your [Richard’s] View of Jesus?


Q:      What’s your interpretation of Christ? I haven’t read the books. My wife has. What is your opinion on that?


RK:      I cannot know as an absolute by myself; I have to go by what my Teachers tell me, and over the decades I have come to find that what They tell me is pretty reliable. Their position of it is that He was an Archangel and His job was to borrow Jesus’ body, as a human being, and during a three and one-half year period bring forth the information and a demonstration of how human beings should be to the people in Jerusalem, which is what He did. Another kind of miracle that is associated with that is that there are hundreds of millions of people in the world today who are Christians as a result of His walking around for three years and talking all the time. It seems to me there has to be something behind the scenes to assist that sort of thing.


Q:      So, you are saying He was born as a human being like you and I—


RK:      That was a human Ego which gave up the use of His body to an Archangel.



