How Can We Handle Our Anger with Others?


Q:      Something you said earlier prompted a question that there is somebody that I know that I do not think about too often, but they really—I think they hate me. Once in a while, out of the “clear blue,” I will be at work and I will start feeling angry thoughts towards this person who is always kind of angry at me. Then, when I get home, I will have a message on my recorder from this person and it is usually around the time that I have these angry thoughts come into my head. It finally occurred to me that I think that when they are connecting with me that is sparking some kind of connection?


RK:    You are presuming that they are directing some kind of anger at you when you get the recording that there was no evidence of that or was there?


Q:      No, no. I am saying that I—based on the messages that would be there. My conclusion was that my thoughts of them were triggered by their thinking of me and calling me and leaving a message versus them calling me about the situation. I just wondered what somebody could do that? Just ask that their anger and hate be directed back at them? I am doing enough therapy to get rid of my own anger.


RK:    That is the best clue that I know of; just be the “mirror.”


Q:      It is beyond coincidence.


Q:      But, that seems like an aggressive way to handle it.


RK:    Do you mean you are supposed to absorb all that?


Q:      No, you do not absorb it.


RK:    No, but you do. Most people are not so cognitive that they—


Q:      You could just ignore it or create something more positive that could come from it. That would give you a more positive place to put your energy. I cannot imagine wasting energy on sending negative energy back to somebody.


RK:    You are just acting as a mirror. You do not project it to them.


Q:      You could just ask Higher Beings to reflect it back, which is usually what I do.


Q:      Won’t karma do that anyway: What you send out comes back to you?


RK:    Why should you have to put up with being the subject of this negative energy?


Q:      Well, you do not put up with it? I am just telling you what to do with it.


RK:    It belongs with the generator. The recipient should not have to do anything with it at all.


Q:      Is it right to respond in a way that down to the root of what is going on. This person is having these upset feelings. Obviously, they are not personally angry at you they are angry at somebody in their childhood. It is just a matter of understanding that and knowing that is what it is and let yourself be Teflon and let it go right off of you.


RK:    Well, if you can consider the source. But, you know that energy is going someplace and the best place for—that person is generating it for whatever reason—the best place is to let them deal with it themselves rather than spreading it around.


Q:      Or you can go to that person and get it handled. Just do not let it go on and on.


RK:    That does not always work. There are some people who are constitutionally angry.


Q:      All I am saying is do your part. Be a communicator rather than just being acquiescing to his negative thing going on.


RK:    Well, have you tried confrontation?


Q:      Yes.


RK:    Did it work?


Q:      No. Well, I do not think confrontation will, but talking to the person will.


RK:    That is what I am talking about; direct face-to-face communication.


Q:      Can you give me an example of what you mean by being a “mirror?” Let’s say somebody made a point of first several weeks, every day, letting you know in some way, shape, or form that they hated you. How would you go about being the “mirror?”


RK:    I do not think that is the level we were talking about. It is a form of sorcery. Maybe the person who is doing the hating does not even think of it as sorcery; does not even image the other person as picking up on it or something from it in any way. They are just harboring these hateful thoughts. Well, if that is the case, even though that individual does not necessary feel that they are influencing you directly, they are influencing you directly. You cannot help but know that somebody out there is “getting at you.” Now, it is awfully hard to confront a person on that level because, in many cases, they would totally deny the whole thing and say, “I don’t know nothing about nothing.” That is why I say it is almost useless sometimes to confront sorcery by talking directly, but you pray to the Elder Brothers to return whatever this person is generating against you and that is within the laws: you can do that; properly without any karma difficulties.


Q:      You gave an example a moment ago when you said, “Consider the source.” That makes you impersonal towards the curse and so the curse cannot attach to you and reach down into your center.


RK:    In many cases, it is just automatic.


Q:      By your considering the source, then you can be objective about it. You are not getting personally hooked on to whatever problem it is.


RK:    If you allow yourself to become angry by what another person has generated towards you, then they are controlling you in some way. Who wants to be made angry? It is bad on the digestion and the whole system in general does not work well.



