What Happens to Egos at the End of a Lifewave?


RK:    If by the time the end comes for the existence of our Solar System, which means that the whole galaxy will go at the same time—that is about seven-thousand years from now—if you have not achieved Mastership by that time, you cannot reincarnate any more on this planet, because the planet will be dissolved. It would be gone. So, then what you are going to do—float around for eternity at whatever level you happen to be which is going to be pretty rough. So, you are stripped of all the knowledge that you have gain. You still have all the powers of Mind in this package that was created by God, which is the real essence you, then you have to wait until another planet is created and then be incarnated in human beings as they are evolved on that planet and then go through the same opportunity to achieve Mastership. You will not remember anything of existence of another time. You are not especially capable of helping the rest of mankind, because you are starting out just as zero again, so far as knowledge is concerned. All the same powers of Mind, but no knowledge any longer. That just gets wiped out. The Akashic Record is destroyed and there is no record of it.


Q:      ... and your personality …


RK:    Right, your personality is gone with all your powers of Mind still together.


Q:      Is there any information about how many people who were assigned to this planet—


RK:    Have been around for once or twice or three times before: maybe at least half. But, you cannot tell one from another. When you start out as zero; zero is zero, you know. 



