Ego and Personality


The open discussion period that followed centered around the topic of personality and whether it is determined, genetically, environmentally or Egoically. It was noted that while some scientists favor the idea of genetic influence, others favor the idea of environmental influence. However, it was pointed out that the major determinant of personality is the Ego, who brings many lifetimes of experience into each incarnation.


One questioner wanted to know to what extent the decarnate Ego can determine the conditions of his next incarnation. Richard said that the Ego is free to choose the circumstances of his incarnation—such as time, nation and parents—depending upon what he wishes to accomplish but is limited by his karmic status and level of advancement. Since an Ego incarnates for the purpose of advancement, he would choose the society and surroundings most conducive to furthering that goal. Thus, millions of advanced Egos, who have refrained since Lemurian and Atlantean tines from incarnating into societies which do not offer possibilities for advancement, will welcome the establishment of the Kingdom of Cod where they can continue on the path to spiritual perfection.


The final portion of the question and answer session was devoted to a discussion of the karmic implications of physical illness. Although illness may be the outworking of karma from a previous life, it could also be the result of an Ego’s choosing a body defect to aid him in learning certain lessons. Additionally, physical disorders are mostly precipitated by feelings of guilt and negative thoughts. (10-1968)




