Geologic Changes in Western U.S.


     Some questions were asked about the destruction on the West Coast by earthquakes expected to occur before the end of the century and the destruction predicted at the end of the century. Richard explained that most of the early damage will be by tsunami waves from quakes under the Pacific Ocean and will probably cause more loss of industrial property than loss of life. The shock wave itself traveling through the water from a quake will cause more havoc than the actual inundation. After the shifting of land masses at the turn of the century, Western California will be covered by boulders and debris and will form the East Coast of the risen continent of Mu. The new ocean to the east will reach from what is now the Sierras and Cascade mountain ranges on the West to about the present course of the Missouri River on the North and East.

     A related question was how we hope to establish our ownership of the new continent. Richard answered that nobody else would care to occupy it anyway, since newly risen sea bottom is not arable. For that reason, we will still have to rely upon hydroponics for growing food in the early years. (09-1969)




