Angelic Protection


We have perfect archangelic protection against another entity as long as we do not enter into the lower astral territory. You need never fear even Black Mentalists. Only your own fear, anger, or dwelling upon unvirtuous thoughts can give lower entities any inroad to your thinking for such emotions and thoughts would place you on their wavelength for ready communication. Since the lower astral is closest, vibrationally, to the physical plane, the average person finds himself projected into the nether grounds of the astral upon trying to penetrate the way to the other side. The protection afforded by natural progression into astral perception resulting from Egoic uplift is worth waiting for. Then you can function consciously on the Astral Plane in a way that does not seem unreal or scary. Your perception will then seem as natural extensions of your physical senses of touch, smell, sight, and sound. You can actually assist this development by consciously intensifying these senses on the non-physical mental level, through future training of your brain to be more aware of the information being picked up your physical sense preceptors.