What Is the Brotherhoods’ Way of
Helping People?
Q: Some time ago you mentioned something like—this is the gist of
it—“In reaching Initiation, you are essentially going sane.” Could you regard
becoming a First Degree Brother as attainment of advanced balance?
RK: We’ve often
talked about that there’s a balance required between the rational, the
practical, and the emotional/faith sides of a person’s makeup. These are aspects that need to be balanced in order to live life
most effectively and happily. That balance has to already
be characteristic of an individual who achieves Initiation. I don’t think that because a person achieves First Degree
that he has all the answers needed to be considered of advanced balance. The
more one knows, the more he can operate sanely—by which I mean, his actions
and decisions best conform to higher realities that are
closed to the average Joe. As an Ego gains more and
more knowledge of the first four planes of existence, his grasp of ultimate
verities and his personal wisdom increase way beyond our cultural mythologies
and customs. As great saints know all too well, the masses are
dangerous to Them because of people’s hot-headed unwillingness to accept
ultimate Truths which go counter to cherished and time-honored untruths. (01-1990)