Male/Female Roles


By Richard Kieninger


Biological Roles

A woman’s life in prehistoric times centered primarily around her bearing and rearing children. The man, on the other hand, had to track and kill animals, and he had to protect his family from predators. Cunning, courage, skill, and sheer brawn were necessary for his getting what he needed. So-called masculine and feminine traits slowly evolved Egoically over millennia and differentiated the outlook of the two sexes.


In those parts of the world where agriculture and animal hus­bandry developed, the hunter became relatively unimportant to the needs of his people, and his dominance declined so that the maternal, nurturant aspects of women rose to a comparatively more prominent role in the life of the tribe. Where people remained dependent on hunting for survival, the masculine, aggressive outlook predominated in the tribe.


Thus arose the matriarchal and patriarchal ways of life in various parts of the globe and at different times in man’s history. The different emphases developed by male and female Egos in their sex-role experiences up to that time began to merge in early Lemuria. As centuries passed, men and women in Lemuria each acquired the better aspects of masculinity and femininity for themselves while eliminating the less desirable traits associated with male and female personality differences.


The process of consciously working to grow in this way con­currently strengthened both sexes’ powers of Mind, and their mentality grew apace along with practicality and ideality. Lemurian men and women advanced rapidly toward what we today call Mastership, since cynicism and sophistication did not yet undermine man’s faith in what he could achieve.


Egoic Balance

It is necessary that personal, Egoic balance be re-established in you if you hope to achieve Initiation in a Brotherhood. Adherents of the Brotherhoods’ Philosophy must do everything possible to enhance the acquisition of people’s Egoic balance by re-establishing a culture which allows children to naturally absorb every aspect of balance from the pervading culture and its world outlook.


Men and women today who turn their feet upon the path of Egoic uplift have to spend some twenty years of their lives overcoming the negative attitude-forming influences of their first twenty years so they may finally be able to start at neutral in their forties. That is an incredible waste of time and happiness and efficiency and cultural advancement! Moreover, we are all permanently scarred by the ignorance of those who tried to rear us the best they could without full knowledge of Universal Law and child psychology, or awareness of the purpose of life and how to fulfill it. Therefore, parents, these days, have the additional job of synthesizing and putting together the aspects of the matri­archal and patriarchal views of the world so as to regain the very potent Lemurian philosophy of balance. This involves our taking into account all things and assigning to them proper values in our quest for Egoic growth and for control of our environment.


Philosophies of life other than the Lemurian are usually constructed around one of two mainstreams of thought. These two are variously compared as patriarchal vs. matriarchal, the rational vs. the cosmic, Western vs. Eastern, or Apollonian vs. Dionysian. The genuine searcher for truth must take both views into account to find the path to sanity and reality. There are brilliantly intelligent men who are firm adherents of the scientific method and yet they also deeply believe in God.


There are different forms of thinking, all valid, which are available to us for perceiving reality in its many forms. As a matter of fact, the two hemispheres of each persons’ cerebral cortex divide the cortex into two functions. The left side usually specializes in reason, logic, analysis, and language; whereas the right side usually specializes in intuition, imagination, spatial relationships, and holistic synthesis. The concrete and the abstract can be simultaneously real in an individual’s experiences just as can the practical and the artistic, the rational and the fantastic, the physical and the spiritual percepts.


For a person to be a whole human being, he must touch upon the whole universe. His brain and body are creating-tools, but they are also sensitive receivers of all the messages streaming from the far corners of creation as well as from life near at hand. Certainly, we must look to the whole cosmos for infor­mation, but perception of your own body’s inner space will reveal great wonders to you also.


Exploring the Concept of Balance

Apollo was the Greek god of reason, order, light and boundaries, and Dionysus was the Greek god of wine, excess, fantasy, and metamorphosis. The elements of both views are right, and the sage incorporates both views concurrently within himself.


The two views were really never meant to be separated. Practical and idealistic attributes, when blended into a balanced whole along with mentality are the stuff of which Initiates are made. The history of a people, the nature of their natural environment, and their mode of competition with others all influence their philosophy and mythology.


The patriarchal influence on Greek thought emphasized separa­tion of God from the world. Man’s spirit was separated from the flesh, and mind from matter, and a higher value was placed on spirit and mind as sacred Apollonian aspects of man which were at odds with his bodily needs. Patriarchal man, therefore, is seen as divided within himself. He is separated from God by sin, and in contention with nature which threatens to over­whelm him. His rationalism regards the universe as a chaos of random physical forces held in check by one another. His human society is formed by a social contract to control man’s natural aggression and territorial instincts which he feels would otherwise tend toward total social warfare.


On the other hand, the matriarchal philosophies see unity in human mind and body, and God exists in every aspect of creation. Unity underlies the appearances of plurality, continuity exists between all life forms, and the whole cosmos is seen as an integration of intelligent life in graduated planes. The uni­verse is seen as order, and things occur in it by intelligent design. The matriarchal community is a single, organic whole, and the various functions of social structure are a harmonious outworking of the fulfilling of mankind’s needs.


Masculine and Feminine Roles—Striving for Balance

It is not difficult to observe that the female role of rearing children engenders less aggressiveness than the traditional male role, which involves making and keeping laws and boundaries for the populace at large, often over forceful and rebellious activity. Aggressiveness in the marketplace was a natural adaptation for males as well, and the imposition of patriarchy through the acquisitions of war throughout the known history of the world has kept women in positions of relative servitude, particularly exemplified today in third-world countries.


In cultures where prosperity is the norm, people tend to lift themselves out of the level of mere survival. When cultural values center around education and self-development, and around the arts and sciences, both sexes tend to take on refinement, and both acquire the opportunity to take on the positive charac­teristics of the opposite sex.


If the middle class of the U.S.A. had continued to flourish in the 1970’s and education had not been undermined in the latter part of the nineteenth and early part of the twentieth century in this country, women might have grown tired of competing in the marketplace. There was a tendency to seek a return to the home in a new context of worthwhile achievement-centered women, but the current economic trends have prevented that from happening. In most homes now, though many women have become disenchanted with working outside the home and have aspired to enter into the role of their children’s teacher, it is no longer possible for most families to be supported by only the male’s wages. In all too many cases, women have discovered that in spite of their discovery that they are not emotionally suited for many of the workplace situations in which they find themselves, they no longer have the opportunity to stay in the home and apply their skills there.

Fortunately, the general rise in women’s consciousness will not be lost to mankind, for in future incarnations opportunities will be presented for those same balanced builders of the home environment to achieve their goals to improve the human condition whether they choose to work in or outside the home.


In the Nation of God, women who choose to have children will be required to devote eighteen years of their lives to their child so that each new generation of mankind will be provided with ideal opportunities for growth and development. There will be plenty of time before child-rearing begins and after it ends for women to pursue their specialized professions, but the profession of educating and nurturing a child will be given the highest honor in the land. Since a complete grounding in child psychology and education will be given to every prospective mother, she will no longer be cast adrift on a vast ocean of responsibility for which she has not been trained. The role of mothering will be accorded the kind of respect it deserves in the culture of the future.


Women are especially suited for that vital role, because of the prevalence of emotional development which their past lives have prepared in them. Their intuitive and nurturing qualities have been developed by centuries of responsibilities in the home. The advantage of emotional development in women will become more apparent when the education of women of all races and cultures brings their intellectual advancement to a level which is appropriate for their being the educators of mankind. Universal education up to the age of twenty-eight for both sexes, with special added instruction for those women who will embark on a career of being a mother, will do away with patriarchal attitudes that counter the dignity of the nurturing and educating role of parenting.


Fortunately, men will achieve the same kind of emotional develop­ment when their work week is only twelve hours a week, and they too can enter into the rich environment of the development of human potential. Human psychology will surely be a major field of study for human beings in the centuries to come.


The feminine virtues of surrender, trust, romantic imagination, fantasy and mysticism will be developed and refined, encourag­ing the sensitivities of children to flourish. The masculine virtues of rationality and practicality will be made available to all children. Poetry, ESP, play, music and dance, as well as training in how to make and change things will be accessible to all developing human egos. The value of conflict, of limits, responsibility, discipline and efficiency will be recognized, and those values will be presented within the context of harmonious role modeling by both men and women. Varieties of human experience will enrich intellectual achievement in the children and adults of tomorrow. Furthermore, commitment to societal uplift will be easy to find in people whose natural idealism has been given free rein.




Marriage and Romanticism